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The city of Budapest is the official capital of the State of Hungary, and it has the most important central headquarters, such as the Hungarian Air Lines, the railway network, and the road network. In this topic, we will learn about the location of Budapest, its population, culture, economy, and history.

Budapest city

  • It is the city located on the continent of Europe, and it is considered a showcase for the state of Hungary in the cultural and tourism field. It is famous for its many advantages, such as its architecture, the Danube River that flows through its center, and the private baths of the hot springs that spread in it, in addition to the multiplicity of its public cafes.
  • Budapest is also known for its wonderful musical melodies, such as Batroc’s music and Kodály’s music, as well as what is known as jazz and klezmer.
  • It is the administrative, industrial, and economic central city of Hungary. It is also a cultural interface for it, and is inhabited by nearly one-fifth of the country’s total population. It is worth noting that the city of Budapest is called the “Queen of the Danube.”

See also: European countries and their flags

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Where is Budapest located?

  • This city is one of the major cities located in the north of the Hungarian state in Europe. It was inhabited by humanity in ancient times, “prehistoric.” It is located on the bank of the Danube River at the point where the western highlands of Hungary meet with the plains in the east and south.
  • It consists of three previously united neighboring cities: “Budapest – Ábuda”, in addition to the island located inside the Danube River, known as Margaret.
  • The area of ​​Budapest is more than five hundred square kilometers divided between the banks of the river, and therefore it has eight bridges to connect its eastern and western parts.
  • This city consists of some parts, and the eastern part of it, which is located on the banks of the eastern Danube River, is the most densely populated part.
  • It is inhabited by more than three-quarters of the population of Budapest, and this eastern region was known in former times as “Buda City”.
  • It is characterized by steep hills filled with historical churches made of wood and old houses, and in the middle of it is what is known as the Castle Hills peak, at the top of which is the King’s Palace.
  • The city of Pest was built on hilly chains in which many government offices were built, and some industrial facilities were located in the Hungarian capital, Budapest, on what is known as the borders in the south and north, but its center is mainly for housing.
  • Margaret Island is located in the city’s river that passes through its center, which is one of the city’s tourist attractions.

The people of Budapest and their cultures

  • This city was established through the union of the three cities “Budapest – Ábuda” in 1873 AD, and from then on the population began to increase rapidly, until it exceeded one million people by the beginning of the 20th century.
  • In the middle of the previous century, the city began to suffer from a severe shortage of residential apartments, to the point that the government loaned to citizens at reduced interest, so that they could build residential apartments, and despite that, it still suffers from this problem to this day.
  • Hungarian origins are common among the residents of Budapest, and they even speak Hungarian as their primary language. Regarding religious matters, the majority of citizens in the city embrace the Christian religion, following the Catholic Church, and others belong to other Christian sects such as Calvinism and Lutheranism.
  • Residents of Budapest are attached to various cultural activities, as they gather in some public squares in the city during the winter season every year with the aim of holding various music concerts.
  • They sometimes swim in its hot springs, and there are many opera and ballet performances throughout the city.

Economy of Budapest

  • This city is a financial and banking center for the entire country. It has many important headquarters, such as the headquarters of Hungarian airlines, railway networks, and various road networks, as well as ports overlooking the Danube River.
  • At the beginning of the 20th century, the economy in this city was dependent on small industrial projects, in which many workers and craftsmen worked.
  • In the 1940s, large factories were able to control the city’s production wheel and worked to provide jobs for the population.
  • Factories located in the city areas produce more than half of the products sold in Hungary, and the most important of these products are building materials, various foodstuffs, and electrical appliances.

See also: Europe countries and tourist areas

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History of Budapest

The history of Budapest varies between ancient times, the Kingdom of Hungary, and modern times, which will be explained in the following points:

ancient era

  • Some archaeological areas were discovered in the current location of the city, dating back to the ancient Stone Ages, and their excavations show that the ancient inhabitants there had lived on the eastern and western banks of the Danube River since the Chalcolithic Ages, that is, 2000 years before AD, and the Scythian people worked to settle there in the 6th century BC. .M.
  • The Roman Republic was able to control the place during the 2nd century BC, until the fort and the civil place known as Aquincum were built in its place, until it became the capital of the small administrative region.
  • It was able to prosper in the economic field, but in the 5th century AD, the King of the Empire, Hun Attila, prepared a campaign to invade the current Hungarian state, including the city of Budapest, and built a large kingdom in it, and founded it and inhabited the Avars from the 6th century until the 9th century AD.

Kingdom of Hungary

  • The inhabitants of Hungary arrived at the current city in the year 896 under the leadership of King Árpád, who took them to the mountains located west of the current Budapest area, because they had rugged terrain that he thought would protect them. In the year 1000, the Hungarians worked to establish the Hungarian Kingdom, which was a Christian religion.
  • Over time, some European merchants began to reside in the present-day area of ​​Budapest on both banks of the Danube River, establishing the city of Buda and the city of Pest.
  • They flourished economically thanks to the pursuit of commercial activities, until the area of ​​each of them grew, and although Buda and Pest were exposed to the devastating invasion of the Mongols in 1242, they were reconstructed and a fortified castle was built in them by order of the King of Hungary.
  • The city of Buda and Pest was under the rule of the King of Hungary, until 1526 AD, when the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Selim I, conquered it and worked to convert the churches there into mosques.

Modern history of Budapest

  • The Ottoman Empire lost the city of Buda and the city of Pest in 1686 AD, and power passed to the Habsburg Empire in Austria. Hungarian culture began to appear in the region from the middle of the 19th century, when there was a cultural and political relationship between the residents, and in 1848 the city of Pest was declared the capital of the Hungarian state.
  • With the signing of a union between the city of Buda and the city of Pest in 1873 AD, and in the same year, the city of Buda and Margaret Island, which is located in the middle of the Danube River, joined them, until the modern city of Budapest appeared, and its population increased significantly in the 19th century.

Climate of Budapest

  • The climate in Budapest is continental, with winters being relatively cold, which can last until November and early March, and snowfall is common in winter as well.
  • The air temperature reaches -10 degrees Celsius at night, and the spring season is during the months of March and April, and the summer season is characterized by its heat and occurs in the month of May until mid-September.

See also: Where is Vienna located in which country?

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Budapest Geography

Budapest is the capital and largest city of Hungary and is located in the center of the country. Here is some information about the geography and geographical location of Budapest:

  • Geographical location: Budapest is located on the west bank of the Danube River, one of the most important rivers of Central Europe. The city is located in the middle of the river, giving it stunning landscapes and famous bridges.
  • Landforms: Budapest is surrounded by the Budapest Mountain Ranges, small mountains that surround the city and give it a natural border. These ranges include a range of trees and stunning views to explore.
  • the weather: Budapest has a continental climate, with very different seasons. Summers are warm and dry, while winters are cool and wet, making it an attractive location for visitors all year round.
  • Rivers and lakes: Besides the Danube River, Budapest contains many lakes and small bodies of water. The big lake in Budapest is Balaton, which is one of the largest freshwater lakes in Central Europe and is used for swimming and water sports activities.
  • Geographical features: Budapest includes many notable geographical landmarks such as the Budapest Mountain Range, Margaret Island and famous bridges such as the Peace Bridge (Széchenyi Chain Bridge) and Liberty Bridge.

Cities near Budapest

Budapest is the only capital of Hungary and is the main city in the country. However, there are some cities near Budapest that can be easily visited and are distinguished by their beauty and history. Here are some cities near Budapest and the approximate distance between them:

  • Stock Search (Székesfehérvár): It is located about 65 kilometers west of Budapest. Stockachorce is one of the oldest cities in Hungary and contains many historical and cultural monuments.
  • Esztergom: It is located about 50 kilometers northeast of Budapest on the north bank of the Danube River. Esztergom is famous for its huge cathedral, which is considered the largest church in Hungary.
  • Veszprém: It is located about 120 kilometers west of Budapest. Veszprém is famous for its stunning landscape and ancient castle.
  • Sziget: It is located about 25 kilometers north of the capital Budapest and is known as the music event island “Sighet” which hosts a large annual music festival.
  • Gödöllő: It is located about 30 kilometers east of Budapest and is famous for the Godolo Royal Palace, one of the largest royal palaces in the world.

Tourism in Budapest

Budapest is one of the most wonderful tourist destinations in Central Europe, combining ancient history, rich culture and wonderful tourist attractions. Here are some of the activities and attractions you can enjoy in Budapest:

  • Hungarian Parliament Building: It is considered one of the largest and most beautiful parliaments in the world. You can visit this magnificent building and explore its unique architectural details.
  • Buda Castle: Buda Castle is one of the most prominent landmarks in Budapest. You can tour the castle, visit its museums, and enjoy stunning views of the city from there.
  • Peace Bridge (Széchenyi Chain Bridge): This famous bridge crosses the Danube River and is part of Budapest’s stunning scenery. You can walk across the bridge and enjoy a wonderful view of the river and city.
  • Margaret Island: This green island is a great place to rest and enjoy picnics and sports. It has beautiful gardens, sports fields and parks.
  • Budapest Baths: Budapest is famous for its thermal baths, such as Szegeri Bath, Gellert Bath and others. You can relax in these places and benefit from the benefits of thermal water.
  • Andrássy Avenue: This main street in Budapest is home to luxury shops, theaters and great restaurants. It is considered one of the city’s main shopping and entertainment venues.

Best time to visit Budapest

The best time to visit Budapest depends on your personal preferences and the activities you want to do. However, there are some tips about different visiting times:

  • Spring (March – May): Spring is one of the best times to visit Budapest. You can enjoy a nice, moderate atmosphere and see the city in quiet times without tourist crowds.
  • Summer (June – August): In the summer, it is hot and sunny. This is the perfect time to enjoy parks, green areas and outdoor activities. But it’s also the peak tourist period, so there can be crowding at some attractions.
  • Autumn (September – November): The autumn period is ideal for visiting the city, as the weather is pleasant and mild and there is little rain. You can enjoy the wonderful fall colors in the parks and gardens.
  • Winter (December – February): If you love winter and festive atmosphere, winter can be fun in Budapest. You can visit markets, winter festivals and enjoy the snow. However, it is cold and the days are short.

Frequently asked questions about Budapest

What are the best means of transportation to get around in Budapest?

You can use metro, buses and trams to get around Budapest. There is also bicycle rental and walking.

What currency is used in Budapest?

The currency used in Budapest is the Hungarian Forint (HUF).

Is there a specific language I should know when visiting Budapest?

The official language in Budapest is Hungarian, but many residents speak English and German.

What are the main tourist places in Budapest?

Highlights include the Parliament of Hungary, Buda Castle, Peace Bridge, Castle District, and more.

What is the best time to visit Budapest?

The ideal time depends on your preferences, but spring and fall are great seasons to visit.

Is Budapest a safe place to travel?

Yes, Budapest is generally considered a safe city for tourism, but it is always a good idea to take basic precautions.

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