Symptoms of Captagon addiction and its treatment. Captagon is one of the substances that is taken as stimulants, and is considered exactly like a drug.
Because it can keep people for a long time without sleep and constantly awake, it is also considered a narcotic substance by doctors and has a legal punishment as well.
( an offer )
What is Captagon?
- Captagon is a derivative of amphetamine (amphetamine is a stimulant drug).
- Captagon pills are used to stimulate the body and improve mood for a longer period of time while feeling upset.
- It is also used to wake up for a long period of time without feeling asleep, until the person who takes it becomes a true addict.
- It is difficult or even impossible to leave it, because the body gets used to a certain dose every day.
- Therefore, when not taking it, the person becomes unable to do anything.
- Captagon pills are called phenethylamine tablets, and this is the scientific name for these pills.
- It was synthesized from some chemicals prepared by Japanese chemists in 1919.
- It contains about 25 derivative substances, and is used to treat children with hyperactivity disorder, schizophrenia, or lack of concentration.
See also: Research on smoking, addiction, and drugs, with an introduction and conclusion
إقرأ أيضا:كيف تخرج من حالة الحزن انظر حولكHistory of Captagon pills
- Chemists in Japan created Captagon in 1919, and have been using it as a mild substitute for amphetamine for up to 25 years.
- It was used to treat children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and was used as an antidepressant for some people.
- Captagon had some advantages over other types of amphetamine, as it did not raise blood pressure.
- So it was used for cardiovascular patients.
- Since Captagon was listed as one of the drugs that have more contraindications than psychotropic substances by the World Health Organization in 1988.
- It has become illegal in most countries, although the actual rate of Captagon abuse is very low.
- The first Captagon manufacturer was in Germany in 1887, and its name was listed under the names of stimulants, and it was used as a pain reliever.
- When Captagon was manufactured in Japan by chemists in 1919.
- It is in the form of a water-soluble crystalline powder and is used for injection. It was the most powerful and easy to manufacture.
- In the 1960s, Captagon abuse was widespread among young adults and teenagers in Sweden.
- During the Korean War and the Vietnam War, its use extended to the United States of America.
- In 1930 AD, Dr. Pettis noted that the use of Captagon.
- It raises blood pressure and in 1932, it was used to treat nasal congestion.
- In 1933, the World Health Organization noted the effect of Captagon on stimulating the central nervous system.
- It expands the respiratory channels, and in 1935 AD it was used to treat sudden drowsiness.
Symptoms of Captagon addiction and its treatment
- There are many individuals who exhibit clear symptoms of Captagon addiction, which may differ from other situations.
- Some individuals do not use it often, while some always use Captagon continuously and permanently.
- Among these categories of drivers, truck drivers suffer because they travel long distances.
- Most of the time, they sit for long hours in chairs, which causes them to suffer from painful back problems.
- Mood fluctuations, so we found that one of the symptoms of addiction is that a person is cheerful and suddenly, without any prior warning, feels depressed.
- Sometimes he is full of confidence in himself when talking to those around him, and at one point he completely loses confidence.
- Symptoms of Captagon addiction that occur in the digestive system.
- Feeling constipated at certain times, which sometimes develops into diarrhea.
- Immediately after taking Captagon, the user will feel dryness in the mouth, followed by a headache and dizziness.
- These symptoms may appear in the first period, but the symptoms of addiction to Captagon worsen over time and become worse.
- In general, amphetamine has a strong effect on the cardiovascular system and the heart because it leads to an increase in blood pressure.
- The individual sheds copious amounts of sweat, and as the symptoms of Captagon dependence continue, it turns into an increased heart rate.
- Recurring itching in the nose, and the main reason is that Captagon tablets make the nasal mucosa very dry.
- Itchy teeth are a symptom of Captagon addiction, and they can be recognized very simply.
- Because the addict always rubs his teeth together and moves his tongue over them, and a bad odor appears from the mouth.
- As it continues to be taken, the user’s skin color changes to a pale face.
- In the end, the matter arrives and the black color and some circles appear on the face of the user, clearly and noticeably.
Symptoms of Captagon addiction
- Lack of desire to eat and lack of appetite, which is always accompanied by vomiting and dizziness.
- You may notice that after a period of Captagon, the user’s desire to eat increases.
- Muscle cramps, tremors during handshakes, and poor control in performing activities that are completely dependent on the user’s muscular system.
- Feeling poor hearing, visual hallucinations, and imagining actions.
- And the behaviors that revolve around him, and these fantasies have no basis in truth.
- Just like the stimulating effect of Captagon, speech continues for a long time without feeling from the user and speech is not interrupted.
- Addicts lose interest in daily habits and their usual activities.
- They are not interested in going to school, which leads to unemployment or failure in their work.
Treatment of Captagon addiction
Evaluation and follow-up stage
- Before developing an appropriate treatment plan, all medical tests will be performed to evaluate the disease and understand the level of Captagon in the body.
The stage of detoxification from the body
- At this stage, treatment is given to a patient addicted to Captagon, until the toxins of this drug are eliminated.
- The patient experiences some symptoms of Captagon withdrawal, including low blood pressure, depression, and a tendency to commit suicide.
The stage of mental and behavioral rehabilitation
- This stage begins after the patient is physically prepared, so that patients with Captagon addiction are healed psychologically and physically.
- It also helps to solve the psychological problems that led him to resort to addiction.
- Group therapy courses help get rid of a person’s negative behavior.
External follow-up stage
- It is the last stage of treatment, during which it is verified that the addiction patient has been cured and has returned to normal life.
- This is done by maintaining communication with the treatment team to avoid recurrence.
See also: Research on addiction and drugs and their impact on young people
إقرأ أيضا:أفضل علاج للقلق والتوتر والخوف انظر حولكCan Captagon be treated at home?
- Since the patient’s family cannot control the attacks, Captagon treatment at home must be under medical supervision.
- An addiction treatment expert must develop a medication regimen.
- Agitation and violence that affects the patient during his treatment.
- Captagon withdrawal from the body and its accompanying side effects require patient monitoring.
- Therefore, home treatment is not possible and does not lead to achieving the desired goals or complete recovery.
Harmful effects of Captagon pills
- Captagon pills have been found to have a direct effect on male sexual ability.
- It also causes sexual weakness and leads to infertility for the person taking it.
- Captagon has a very strong effect on the teeth, it makes the teeth fall out.
- It destroys the central nervous system that controls the neurotransmitters received by sensory receptors.
- Which strongly affects the nervous system, and also affects the brain.
- It weakens the speed of response caused by sensory receptors.
- Psychological studies have shown that there is a direct relationship between psychosis and amphetamine use.
- So that he can overcome these symptoms by using a program of medications to treat psychosis in the abuser.
- It causes some psychological problems, such as psychological anxiety, depression, and deteriorating health.
- It may lead to suicidal thoughts and harm other individuals around him.
- Failure to maintain balance and perform unusual behavior, leading to hallucinations and auditory and visual illusions.
- Continued use of this medication can cause coma in many cases.
- Memory loss occurs in some cases experienced by the abuser.
- Captagon causes many blood diseases, such that the number of red blood cells and white blood cells is very low
- Therefore, people in adolescence suffer from anemia and immunodeficiency.
Reasons for addiction to Captagon pills
- The process of family breakdown is the most addictive reason for young people and young people.
- The family lacks control over them, and they are accompanied by bad friends.
- What drives most people to become addicted to Captagon is that they have some psychological illnesses, which are what push them to become addicted to Captagon pills.
- There are some people who believe that Captagon strengthens and increases their sexual ability.
- There are some young people who have free time and do not have any work or activities.
- Or their hobbies, some young people resort to Captagon addiction to occupy their free time.
- Lack of understanding of the harms of Captagon among some young people and younger groups leads them to indulge in Captagon and be safe from it.
Benefits of Captagon pills
- Captagon is distinguished by its ability to treat epilepsy, so doctors used to give it to patients.
- Some doses of Captagon pills to treat some cases of epilepsy.
- Captagon can treat people who suffer from laziness and chronic sleep, because Captagon helps them stay awake.
- It also helps stimulate blood circulation, but this is done under advanced medical supervision.
- So that taking it irregularly does not lead to addiction.
- Another benefit of Captagon pills is treating people who suffer from schizophrenia.
- A specific dose is prescribed for those infected under medical supervision.
- One of the benefits of Captagon is that it is used to treat migraines, so doctors used to recommend taking Captagon pills.
- For people with persistent migraines, but under supervision.
- One of the most common benefits of Captagon is that it helps with weight loss.
- For people who suffer from obesity, doctors used to advise taking Captagon pills, but under their supervision.
- Another benefit of Captagon was that it was used to treat inflammation of the mucous membranes.
- The first use of Captagon was to treat inflammation of the mucous membrane, relieve nasal congestion, and aid in inhalation.
- It is very useful in psychotherapy, due to its ability to activate neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine, which are responsible for happiness and activity.
- It was used to treat depression, as well as epilepsy, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, and high stress.
- One of the benefits of Captagon pills is that they help increase sexual desire.
- It stimulates the glands responsible for secreting sex hormones, thus significantly improving the sexual process.
- The benefits of Captagon pills are their ability to help treat mood swings and impulsive behavior.
- But Captagon can be used in this case for a short period, and under the supervision of a doctor.
- One of the benefits of Captagon is its ability to treat overactive heart veins in patients with this type of disease.
An alternative to Captagon pills
- Tramadol is an alternative to Captagon, and it may be the most widely used because of its cheap price.
- Some addicts use it as an alternative to Captagon, because it has the same effect on the brain.
- Other substitutes produced by drug traffickers are also similar to Captagon.
- Drug dealers offer alternative names for Captagon such as white, cream, and other alternative names.
What are the effects of Captagon on reproduction?
- Captagon addiction causes a lot of harm to pregnant women, including exposure to fetal deformities.
- This makes women more vulnerable to miscarriage and bleeding during pregnancy.
What is the end of a Captagon addict?
- The end of Captagon addiction is what the individual decides, either to abandon its use.
- Go to an addiction clinic and enroll in a rehabilitation and treatment program.
- Or he may lose his mind, become mentally ill, and become a danger to himself and to all those around him, whether members of his family or society.
What are the side effects after leaving Captagon?
- The go-away effect of Captagon is that drug users experience withdrawal symptoms due to stopping taking it.
- Including (excitement, violence, depression, the desire to escape by taking drugs, low blood pressure, and delusions).
See also: Tramadol’s harmful effects on the body
Thus, we have explained in detail the symptoms of addiction to Captagon and its treatment, and we have mentioned the causes of addiction to Captagon. We have also explained the harms of addiction to Captagon and its negative effects. Therefore, if we take this treatment for any reason, it must be under the supervision of a doctor.