Extreme fear and irrational phobia are one of the most dangerous diseases that must be highlighted and taken care of.
Whereas phobia, or what is called phobia, is an imaginary fear that has nothing to do with the mind due to its extreme intensity. This type of disease is related to something that happened or a specific person.
They cause a person to become nervous just by seeing them. Young people in adolescence and adulthood do not deny that their fear is exaggerated and imaginary. What is phobia and its causes? Follow our website, article mqall.org.
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Extreme fear and irrational phobia
- Phobias have different names, such as “phobia” and “neurosis of fears.”
- It is considered a psychological condition or disorder that results from repeated fear of several specific things immediately upon exposure or imagining them.
- Constantly strong fear causes discomfort and suffocation for the person whenever he remembers his illness.
- The affected person is fully aware that everything he feels is nothing but irrational fear.
- Despite this, he is unable to expel this feeling unless he goes to a psychiatrist to help him.
- The prevalence of phobias is approximately one percent of individuals, and most phobias do not cause suffocation or many problems.
- For this reason, most sufferers do not care to seek help and register themselves in the professional or private sectors.
- Real phobia rates are higher than those that have been announced.
- Most people with phobias are family members.
- Phobia is considered a psychological condition in which the patient experiences convulsions at the mere sight of something that controls thinking and mind and causes obstruction of life normally.
- Phobia controls the mind, causing the patient to become paralyzed and unable to take things logically.
- Fear is completely different from irrational phobia, as fear protects us from any danger we feel.
- But phobia causes a person to be frightened by things that do not exist, and there is no need for it, and despite that, we cannot get rid of it.
- The onset of phobia most often occurs at the end of adolescence or the beginning of 20 years of age.
- The first stage of phobia is unexpected and appears in the form of a panic shock.
- Then the thing that happened will be the main cause of the phobia.
- Most of the time, the patient is unable to know the reason for fear, but with psychological care, the patient begins to realize the reasons for his fear.
Read also: Treating social phobia with medications and what are its most important causes
إقرأ أيضا:أسباب الرهاب الإجتماعي و أعراضه الجسدية انظر حولكFear of open spaces
- It is the fear of being in any open areas or areas full of people, as found in the supermarket and means of transportation.
- And places where the patient is unable to escape from the eyes of others
- Patients with this classification avoid leaving the house except during the most difficult times, and this amounts to sixty percent of patients with phobias.
social phobia
- This type is considered a person’s fear of exposing himself to things that hurt his dignity.
- Or that others see him as insufferable and stupid.
- Patients with this type are also embarrassed to speak or eat in the presence of others.
Simple phobia
This type relates to fear of something specific, such as animals, for example, or fear of enclosed and high areas.
Causes of intense fear and irrational phobia
- Scientists have not found specific causes for severe fear and irrational phobia, but there are some causes that can be taken into consideration.
- Phobias are linked to stressful incidents that occurred since ancient times, causing them to become linked to the person’s phobia.
- It could be the result of the patient’s exposure to several crises, which caused him trauma at one point in his life.
- It is often the result of actions taken by the mother, mother, or sisters, and the patient receives it.
- He made them actions that he feared inside him and made the matter escalate early.
- Genetic factors are considered one of the causes of fear and phobia, as studies have confirmed that some people come to this world.
- They are more susceptible to stress than others.
- Environmental accidents.
- Young people who live among family members who suffer from stress problems are more vulnerable to phobias.
- Painful things that a person is exposed to, such as drowning in water, are accompanied by exposure to irrational phobias.
- Fear of heights, narrow areas, and the pinch of pests are all severe causes of irrational fear.
- Extreme fear of contracting diseases unnecessarily.
- Despair, depression, and drinking cigarettes and drugs lead to this disease.
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إقرأ أيضا:تجارب الناس مع نوبات الهلع انظر حولكTypes of phobias: Irrational phobias
Scientists have divided phobia into many types, here are the most important:
social phobia
- It expresses fear of people and their looks, and fear of being exposed to accidents that cause embarrassment.
- Like eating in front of a group of people.
- It is the sufferer’s fear of appearing inappropriate or low in his thoughts.
- This type can be eliminated with psychological treatment, but without that it is difficult.
- One of its types is what is called specific social phobia, which is stress in certain situations only.
- Its psychological effects can also have physical effects, such as shy bladder.
- Which means that the patient is unable to urinate unless he has a great deal of privacy.
- It has another type called generalized phobia, which is problems with stress from crowds and not from specific situations.
Specific phobia
It is a fear of the following things:
- Fear of animals, spiders, snakes, mice, and dogs.
- The nature of the environment, such as fear of heights, fear of old age, and fear of lightning and thunder.
- The nature of the circumstances, such as fear of closed areas, fear of the dark, and fear of being close to water and seas.
- Fear of bleeding, accidents, sanitary tools such as needles, and surgical procedures.
- Fear of exposure to a dangerous epidemic, fear of fetuses and loud noises.
- It is the fear of leaving the house, the fear of sitting at home, or the fear of confined spaces.
- Which the patient used to be there, causing panic attacks.
- This type occurs due to fear of any place where there are large gatherings and people, such as restaurants, supermarkets, and means of transportation.
- Examples include the fear of uncleanliness, which is called obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the problems to which the patient is exposed.
- Any place where there are people far from home.
- Agoraphobia is very severe, and over the days the condition of the sufferer develops, leading to his refusal to leave the house.
Complex phobia
- This type of phobia has harmful and harmful side effects, and poses a threat to the patient’s life.
- The most dangerous type of phobia.
- The risk increases as the patient reaches adulthood.
- It is the tension of speaking in the presence of people.
- Patients with this type experience severe physical problems while imagining that they are standing in front of many people.
- It can be overcome by taking some medications.
It expresses fear of high areas such as a bridge, high floors, a mountain, or buildings with many floors.
People with this type experience headache, severe sweating, loss of consciousness, and a feeling that they are about to die
It is the fear of riding a plane.
Dental phobia
- He is terrified of the dentist and his treatment.
- This type generally develops as a result of a patient having an unfortunate accident at the dentist.
- Dental phobia can be dangerous if it causes you to avoid essential dental care.
- It is the fear of being exposed to bleeding or wounds.
- The patient loses consciousness as soon as he puts his hand on the blood.
- Whether it was his blood or the blood of someone else.
- It is panic situations caused by the evening and darkness.
- It usually begins at a young age.
- When the patient reaches adolescence, the fear turns into a phobia.
Side effects of intense fear and irrational phobia
- Constant, strong fear about something, whether physical or moral.
- Symptoms that occur in the body include dizziness, tremors, rapid pulse, and intestinal disturbance.
- The feeling of not being able to breathe, and intense sweating.
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder is the patient’s inability to focus his attention on things other than the phobia.
- The need to escape from all events and stay away from them.
- Feeling constantly stressed about the occurrence of anything that the patient fears.
- The phobia causes strong fear in those affected just by thinking about the painful things they suffer from.
- Phobia is other than natural fear, which is an instinct in humans.
- Because the phobia seeps into practical and scientific life and causes discomfort to the patient.
- Phobia patients avoid confronting their fears or face them with tension and weakness.
- The tension that the patient is unable to stop once the thing he is afraid of happens.
- The desire to get away from the cause of fears in every possible way, regardless of the results.
- Inability to do things properly when the source of fear occurs.
- The patient begins to talk about how his panic and fear are not rational and imaginary, and are excessive.
- And he cannot control his feelings.
- Fever and panic attacks.
- Feeling pain and suffocation in the chest area.
- Abnormal sensations towards the stomach.
- Vomiting.
- Vertigo.
- Severe headache.
- Young people try to escape and hide in their father or mother or anything in front of them.
- The father and mother notice their extreme nervousness to draw attention to their problem
Methods of treating intense fear and irrational phobia
- Go to a psychiatrist and talk to him, but this step is not taken by patients with specific phobias.
- Because they believe that the phobia does not harm them or expose them to major harm, they will be satisfied with staying away from the source of fear.
- Patients with complex phobias are unable to escape from their fears, so their treatment lies in talking with a psychiatrist.
- The psychiatrist has different methods of treatment, including a behavioral method and a drug method, and he can combine the two methods.
- To reduce the effects of phobia, it helps the patient to rethink his reaction towards the source of fear.
- Beta blockers are medications that reduce the physical effects of phobias, such as intestinal problems and fatigue.
- Cold extremities and inability to sleep.
- An antidepressant is a medication that the doctor prescribes for the patient, because it removes the hormone serotonin from within phobic patients.
- This makes the patient feel that his psychological condition has improved, and may lead to vomiting, disturbed sleep, and headache.
- But these effects appear during the first period of use.
- Benzodiazepines are a sedative medication recommended by the doctor, because it reduces the effects of stress and confusion.
- But anyone who has been drinking a lot of alcohol should stay away from any tranquilizers
Behavioral therapy
There is more than one way to do this:
Exposure therapy
- This pattern enables patients to have different reactions to the causes of their panic.
- It is based on gradually placing the patient in front of the main cause of his fear, but without him realizing it, so as not to cause him any shock.
- An example of this method is bringing a patient with a phobia of flying and encouraging him to:
- View planes in pictures.
- Go to the airport.
- Trying to think about getting on a plane.
- Talk to him about the plane.
- Finally he gets on the plane.
Cognitive behavioral therapy
- The doctor teaches the patient how to change his feelings about his fears.
- Which makes exposure simpler.
- It helps the injured person to control his reactions and feelings.
Methods of preventing intense fear and irrational phobia
- Seek help early, because mental illnesses become more difficult to treat over time.
- Write down all the details of your day, write down all the sources of your anxiety, and also write down the things that put you in a better mood.
- Re-arrange the crises you are exposed to that affect your psychology according to their importance.
- Occupy your time and abilities in things that make you forget about stress and confusion.
- Give all your time to do things that you love and make you happy.
- Stay away from drugs and all drugs that affect your health, and avoid caffeine completely.
- Staying away from drugs makes you feel nervous at first, if you are unable to stay away from them on your own.
- You should go to a doctor, and you can discover any other methods that will help you with this matter.
See also: Information about treating social phobia
In conclusion, dear reader, after we talked about extreme fear and irrational phobia, we can say that this disease is very dangerous and should not be tolerated.
We also hope that you initiate treatment immediately before things get worse. We hope that you like the article, may you stay in good health.