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Benefits of eating plant sugar for diabetics, Plant sugar, or what is known as silver sugar or candy sugar, may be loved by adults and children because it is characterized by its sweet taste, but not many people know of its many benefits and many uses, especially in folk medicine.
Many people may use it as a substitute for white sugar, and because its taste is considered less sweet than white sugar, some may believe that it has fewer calories and less harmful effects, so they prefer giving it to diabetics and children. To know whether this belief is true or false, and to learn about its benefits and harms, follow this article.
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What is plant sugar?
- Plant sugar is a type of sugar.
- It is in the concentrated form of sugar, made from sugar cane, and consists of a solution of sugar and water.
- It is made by heating white sugar until it turns golden brown.
- It may resemble a diamond cut in its bright whiteness and attractive shine. Some believe that it resembles pieces of solid crystals, and also resembles small, solid stones. It may take the form of large crystals of sugar and is found in many different sizes.
- It is widely found in India and Persia.
- Its taste is considered less sweet than white sugar.
- It has many uses, the most important of which is its use in folk medicine.
- Some doctors may recommend it as a natural alternative to white sugar.
- Although it contains many benefits, it may contain many harms, so caution must be taken when consuming it.
- Therefore, diabetics in particular should consume it in small and specific quantities and take every care when consuming it because it is a concentrated form of sugar.
- It may contain a much larger amount of calories compared to white sugar. A teaspoon of plant sugar may contain 25 calories, and a teaspoon of white sugar contains 16 calories. This is something that many people are unaware of.
- Therefore, women should avoid eating it, as the amount of calories from sugar should not exceed 100 calories only, which is what the body needs daily.
- Men do not exceed 150 calories from sugar, and this is also what their body needs.
Benefits of plant sugar
Treating sore throat
- Plant sugar has an excellent ability to relieve the severity and pain of sore throat. It also helps in treating coughs and colds. Therefore, to give the best results, it is preferable to eat it with black pepper.
Increased hemoglobin level
- Eating plant sugar increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and thus makes blood flow through the body better.
- This avoids the occurrence of many health problems, such as: dizziness, anemia, and paleness in the face, which may occur due to a decrease in hemoglobin level.
Providing the body with energy
- Plant sugar may provide the body with thermal energy that may help a person move and give him a state of activity, and it also helps a person feel refreshed.
Getting rid of bad breath
- Eating plant sugar may eliminate bad breath, especially after meals
It works to heal wounds quickly
- Eating plant sugar may quickly treat wounds and help them heal faster and better than taking antibiotics.
Digest food
- Plant sugar speeds up the digestion process, which gives people a feeling of comfort.
- Therefore, it is preferable to eat plant sugar after eating the main meals to speed up its digestion.
- It is recommended to make a mixture of plant sugar and fennel seeds and eat them together to get a better result than eating plant sugar alone.
See also here: Benefits of plant sugar to soften the voice
إقرأ أيضا:علاج السكر بالأعشاب مجرب – مقال انظر حولكGetting rid of nosebleeds
- Plant sugar has an effective role in the case of nosebleeds, as it may help stop the blood flowing from the nose.
- This nosebleeds often occur in the summer.
- This happens by placing a piece of plant sugar in water and leaving it until it partially dissolves, then we drip some drops into the nose, which causes the bleeding to stop immediately.
Use it in cooking
- Plant sugar is used in cooking as an alternative to white sugar, because it is free of chemicals that can affect the nature and properties of sugar.
- Plant sugar is added to many different foods and sweets.
- When used for cooking, it is preferable that it be of high quality and natural.
- Therefore, it is recommended to buy plant sugar whose color tends to be yellow.
Strengthening eyesight
- It is said that eating a mixture of ground plant sugar, fennel seeds and ground almonds works to strengthen vision and prevent vision and eye problems in general.
Treatment of hoarseness
- Eating plant sugar may help treat hoarseness.
- This is done by sucking it or preferably mixing it with ginger.
Treatment of kidney stones
- It has an effective and powerful role in breaking up stones for kidney patients.
Treatment for shortness of breath
- Eating it may treat shortness of breath problems and is used in Indian medicine for this.
Allergy treatment
- It helps reduce the symptoms of allergies and can treat them, especially allergies that affect children.
Treatment of diarrhea
- It may be included in many prescriptions to treat diarrhea, which can sometimes lead to dehydration and weakness in children.
Stomach purifier from toxins
- It may help the stomach cleanse of toxins that may enter it.
Acidity treatment
- It has a superior ability to get rid of the acidity and burning sensation that may affect some people, especially ulcer patients.
As a temporary treatment for depression
- Plant sugar is used to treat mild depression that some people sometimes suffer from, due to the ability of the sugars in plant sugar to adjust mood.
Information about diabetes
Diabetes is an increase in the level of glucose in the blood, and this occurs through:
إقرأ أيضا:مضاعفات مرض السكري – مقال انظر حولك- A defect in the secretion of the hormone insulin.
- Or a defect in the absorption of the hormone insulin.
- The hormone insulin delivers glucose to all cells of the body, giving them the necessary energy.
- Diabetes may lead to serious complications over time, and many diseases can occur, such as heart disease and stroke, and can sometimes lead to amputation of limbs, so diabetics must adhere to treatment, use their own sugar substitute, and develop a good diet.
Read also from here: Benefits of plant sugar to lose weight in 10 days
Types of diabetes
The first type
- The body does not secrete insulin enough.
The second type
- It is considered the most common. The body may secrete insulin, but there is a defect in the body’s cells in using it.
The third type
It is gestational diabetes, which affects pregnant women during pregnancy.
Symptoms of diabetes
- Increased thirst.
- Abnormal weight loss.
- frequent urination.
- Increased hunger.
- Irritation.
- Fatigue.
- Blurred vision.
- Wounds are slow to heal.
- The presence of ketones in the blood and may occur as a result of the breakdown of muscle and fat when there is a lack of available insulin.
- Recurrent infections such as dermatitis, gingivitis, and vaginitis.
Types of sugar substitutes that are better than plant sugar
- It is considered a natural alternative because it is extracted from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana tree.
- It does not contain any calories, does not cause any harm to the body, but has many benefits.
- It is a sugar alcohol extracted from the wood of the tamul plant or from the wood of corn.
- Each gram contains only 2.4 calories, and is considered fructose-free and does not raise blood sugar levels.
- It has the ability to improve dental health, which leads to reducing the rate of decay.
It increases the body’s absorption of calcium. - It may increase bone density, which leads to protection against osteoporosis.
- But when consumed in excess, it may sometimes lead to diarrhea, bloating, and gas formation.
- It is also considered a sugar alcohol.
- But it differs from xylitol in that its calories are lower, as it contains only 0.24 calories.
- It tastes like sugar.
- It is absorbed directly into the bloodstream because the body does not have enzymes to break down erythritol.
- It does not raise insulin, blood sugar, triglycerides, and cholesterol levels.
Yacon syrup
- A syrup extracted from the pear plant. It is characterized by its sweet taste and dark color and is considered as thick as molasses.
- It contains 40% to 50% oligofructose sugars.
- It contains a third of the calories found in regular sugar.
Coconut sugar
- It is extracted from the sap of the coconut palm.
- It contains some minerals such as zinc, iron, potassium, and calcium, and it also contains antioxidants.
- It contains the same calories as regular sugar, so it is preferable to use it in moderation.
- It is a thick, golden-colored liquid produced by bees.
- It contains small amounts of minerals, vitamins, and large amounts of antioxidants that help reduce the risk of many diseases.
- It should be used with caution because it contains fructose.
Maple syrup
- It is a thick liquid made by cooking maple syrup.
- It contains a good amount of potassium and the minerals calcium, iron, manganese and zinc, and contains 24 different types of antioxidants.
- It contains a large percentage of sugar, so it should be consumed in moderation, but it is considered less harmful than regular sugar.
- It is recommended for diabetics because it does not raise blood sugar levels.
- A thick, brown liquid made from sugar beet juice or boiling sugar cane.
- It contains few minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.
- It contains very high levels of fructose.
Nutritional value of plant sugar
Nutritional values contained in 100 grams of plant sugar:
- Energy: 89 calories.
- Protein: 0 g.
- Carbohydrates: 103.57 grams.
- Sugar: 103.57 grams.
- Calcium: 71 milligrams.
- Iron: 5.14 milligrams.
How Preserving plant sugar
- It should be kept in an airtight container.
- Completely isolated from the air.
- Place this container in a cool, dry place.
Uses of plant sugar
- It can be used as a substitute for white sugar and sweetened in tea and coffee. It is preferable to use it because of its beautiful appearance that decorates the serving table when placed on it.
- It is served to children as a dessert to avoid sweets that could harm them.
- It is used as a mouth freshener.
Harmful effects of plant sugar
- Eating it is considered a major cause of diabetes, as it significantly raises blood sugar levels and causes insulin resistance.
- It may raise blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
- Eating it in excess may lead to weight gain, leading to obesity.
- It may cause some infections.
- It increases the risk of acne.
- It helps accelerate skin aging, which leads to the formation of wrinkles, and may accelerate cell aging.
- It may negatively affect all energy levels in the body by quickly raising blood sugar and then quickly lowering it.
- Increases the chance of fat accumulation in the liver.
- It leads to tooth decay as a result of the bacteria in the sugar sticking to the teeth, forming a layer of plaque.
- Excessive consumption of plant sugar or sugars leads to the loss of copper, which is considered an important vital element in the body.
- Eating too much plant sugar can reduce calcium and magnesium.
- Recently conducted medical studies have proven that excessive sugar intake may increase anxiety and stress, especially for children at a young age, and it may also increase their mobility.
- Eating it increases the percentage of harmful cholesterol in the body and helps reduce beneficial fats.
- It may increase the development of cancer cells, causing them to move from one place to another.
- It may cause many diseases that affect vision, especially darkening of the lens of the eye.
- Eating sugar plays a major role in retaining water inside the body’s cells spread throughout it.
- Sugar can sometimes make it difficult for oxygen to flow to the brain.
- It may increase the risk of many diseases, including heart or stroke.
Important tips when eating sugars
- Do not eat sugars continuously or excessively.
- Do not use sugars as a wound treatment unless your doctor advises or consults you.
- Eating a cube of chocolate in the morning every day may completely change a person’s mood, but chocolate that contains sugars.
- But you should not eat too much chocolate to avoid any harm that may be caused to the human body.
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At the end of our article about the benefits of eating plant sugar for diabetics, we have presented to you many benefits. I hope to God Almighty that you have liked this article and that we have been able to benefit you. We hope that you will share this article on social networking sites and with your friends and relatives so that they know the benefits and harms of sugar. Plant and we leave you in God’s protection and security.