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علاج تشقق القدمين طبيعيا – مقال انظر حولك

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Treating cracked feet naturally, mqall.org offers it to you, as the problem of cracked feet is considered one of the most common and widespread problems among many people.

It also causes a lot of inconvenience and embarrassment, so many of them search for the most important natural methods that help get rid of cracked feet.

Treat cracked feet naturally

There are many natural methods and recipes that can be used to treat cracked feet, which are as follows:

A recipe for beeswax and Vaseline to get rid of cracked feet

Recipe ingredients

  • 2 tablespoons of beeswax.
  • Also 2 tablespoons of honey.
  • 2 tablespoons of Vaseline.
  • Two tablespoons of fresh milk.
  • A tablespoon of sesame oil.

How to use

  1. We melt the beeswax and Vaseline in a metal bowl over low heat for no less than 3 minutes.
  2. Remove the pot from the heat, then add the milk, sesame oil, and honey, and stir the ingredients together for several minutes.
  3. After that, the mixture is placed in a sterile, clean, tightly closed container and then placed in the refrigerator until use.
  4. This recipe is used three times a week and placed on the cracked area before going to sleep, but you must consider applying the mixture and waiting for 60 minutes, then wash the feet well with cold water.

The importance of the recipe

  • Beeswax is considered one of the most important natural moisturizers for the skin, as it nourishes the skin and gives it softness and shine.
  • As for Vaseline, it is one of the most important natural treatments that is useful in getting rid of damaged skin and helps get rid of the crusts found on the heels.

Don’t miss reading our article about: Treating cracked and dry feet

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Coconut oil and cocoa oil recipe

Recipe ingredients

  • 5 tablespoons of Vaseline.
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil.
  • Two tablespoons of cocoa butter.
  • 2 capsules of vitamin E.
  • A spoon and 1/2 of honey.

How to prepare the recipe

  1. Place Vaseline, honey, and coconut oil in a bowl, then place the bowl in another bowl filled with hot water, then put it on the fire.
  2. We add the capsules to the previous mixture and stir the ingredients together until completely combined, then place the mixture in a clean, tightly sealed container until used.
  3. Before using the mixture, soak the feet in an appropriate amount of warm water for no less than 20 minutes, then massage them well using a medical stone for no less than two minutes.
  4. After that, the feet are dried, then we distribute an appropriate amount of cream on the feet, and cotton socks are worn. To obtain the best results, it is preferable to use this recipe every day, especially before going to sleep.

The importance of the recipe

This recipe is characterized by its effective ability to get rid of cracked feet because it contains a high percentage of vitamin E. In addition, it contributes to strengthening skin tissue and getting rid of dead cells.

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Rice flour, honey and apple cider vinegar recipe

Recipe ingredients

  • 3 tablespoons of fine rice powder.
  • Two tablespoons of honey.
  • A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
  • A tablespoon of olive oil.

How to prepare

  1. Mix both rice flour and honey in a suitable bowl until the ingredients are homogeneous, then add apple cider vinegar and olive oil and continue stirring until a homogeneous paste is obtained.
  2. Leave the bowl aside for at least 10 minutes, then bring another bowl filled with an appropriate amount of warm water. Place the feet inside the bowl for 10 minutes.
  3. After that, massage the feet well with the previous paste for 5 minutes, then leave the paste on the feet for several minutes.
  4. Wash the feet well with warm water, then dry them with a cotton towel, then apply a sufficient amount of moisturizing cream and wear cotton socks.
  5. To obtain the best possible results, use this recipe at least 3 times a week.

The importance of the recipe

  • Rice flour plays a big role in getting rid of dead skin cells and making the skin brighter and smoother.
  • Honey is also considered an effective substance that contributes to moisturizing and softening the skin.
    • This is because it contains a group of enzymes that help stimulate blood circulation and thus speed up the healing process.
  • As for apple cider vinegar, it is distinguished by its skin exfoliating properties because it contains alpha hydroxy acid, and it also works to restore collagen in the skin.

Baking soda recipe to get rid of cracked feet

Recipe ingredients

  • 3 tablespoons of baking soda.
  • Medical stone.
  • An amount of warm water.

How to prepare

  1. Add baking soda to a deep bowl filled with an appropriate amount of water and mix the ingredients well until the baking soda dissolves completely.
  2. We soak the feet in the mixture for at least 1/4 hour, then rub the feet well using a medical stone.
  3. After that, dry the feet well and apply a sufficient amount of moisturizing cream. It is preferable to repeat this recipe twice a week in order to get rid of cracks.

The importance of the recipe

Baking soda is considered a natural and effective skin exfoliator, as it has great properties in getting rid of dead skin cells in addition to its anti-inflammatory properties.

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Shea butter and lemon juice recipe

Recipe ingredients

  • An appropriate amount of shea butter.
  • Count drops of lemon juice.
  • A large bowl filled with warm water.

How to prepare

  1. The feet are soaked in a basin filled with warm water for several minutes and then rubbed gently using a dry stone.
  2. After that, mix the shea butter and lemon juice well with each other until they are completely mixed, then put a sufficient amount of the mixture on the feet.
  3. Wear cotton socks and it is preferable to leave them overnight. To obtain the best results, it is preferable to use this recipe continuously, especially before going to sleep.

The importance of the recipe

Shea butter is characterized by its many benefits, as it is used to treat many skin problems, especially cracked feet.

Mouthwash recipe

Recipe ingredients

  • One cup of mouthwash.
  • One cup of food vinegar.
  • 2 cups of water.
  • Medical stone.
  • Suitable container.

How to prepare and use

  1. We mix mouthwash, vinegar and water in a suitable bowl, then soak the feet in the mixture for 10 to 15 minutes.
  2. The feet are lifted from the basin and then massaged well with a medical stone to remove dead skin.
  3. After that, wash the feet well with running water, then dry them well using a cotton towel and moisturize with a sufficient amount of moisturizing cream. It is preferable to repeat this recipe at least three times a week in order to treat cracked feet naturally.

The importance of the recipe

  • Mouthwash has a superior ability to soften dry skin and thus remove it easily and simply.
  • It also contains a high percentage of plant chemicals such as menthol and thymol, which work to soothe and moisturize the skin and can therefore be used to treat cracked feet naturally.

Epsom salt

Recipe ingredients

  • 1/2 cup of Epsom salt.
  • An appropriate amount of warm water.
  • Deep bowl.

How to prepare the recipe

  1. Fill the bowl with an appropriate amount of warm water, then add 1/2 cup of Epsom salt and stir well until it dissolves completely.
  2. We soak the feet in the previous mixture for at least 1/4 hour, then rub the feet gently to get rid of dead cells.
  3. In order to get rid of cracked and rough feet, it is preferable to repeat this recipe at least three times a week to obtain amazing results.

The importance of the recipe

Epsom salt has soothing properties for the skin, so it can be used to treat cracked feet naturally.

Do not hesitate to visit our article about: cracked foot cream from the pharmacy

Aloe vera gel

Recipe ingredients

  • An appropriate amount of aloe vera gel.
  • Cotton socks.
  • An appropriate amount of warm water.
  • Foot soaking basin.

How to prepare the recipe

  1. Soak the cracked feet in a basin filled with warm water for at least 10 minutes, then dry the feet well.
  2. We put a sufficient amount of aloe vera gel on the feet, then wear cotton socks and leave them overnight, and in the morning the feet are washed with water.
  3. It is preferable to do this recipe daily, especially before going to sleep, for a period of no less than 4 days.

The importance of the recipe

  • Aloe vera gel plays a major role in soothing and moisturizing dry skin. It also stimulates the skin to produce collagen and is therefore one of the most effective treatments for getting rid of cracked feet.
  • This is because it contains a large percentage of amino acids that moisturize and soften the skin.

Tea tree oil recipe

Recipe ingredients

  • 6 drops of tea tree oil.
  • A tablespoon of coconut oil.

How to prepare the recipe

  1. Wash the feet well with warm water, then mix both coconut oil and tea tree oil until a homogeneous mixture is formed.
  2. Place the mixture on the feet and massage for at least two minutes, then wear socks.
  3. Leave the mixture on the feet for a whole night. In order to get rid of cracked feet, it is preferable to repeat this recipe daily, especially before going to sleep.

The importance of the recipe

  • Tea oil is considered one of the most important natural and effective cleansers that helps get rid of cracked feet. It also gives the skin softness, freshness and vitality.
  • But before starting to use tea oil, a person must make sure that it is suitable for the skin so that it does not lead to allergies and irritation.

Sesame oil recipe

Recipe ingredients

Several drops of sesame oil.

How to use

  1. Wash the cracked feet well with warm water, then apply several drops of sesame oil and gently massage the feet.
  2. This recipe is repeated daily, especially right before going to sleep, in order to obtain a soft and healthy appearance for the feet.

The importance of the recipe

Sesame oil contains many nutrients that are beneficial for skin health. It is also considered one of the most powerful natural oils that contribute to moisturizing the skin and giving it vitality and freshness.

Brown sugar recipe to get rid of cracked feet

Recipe ingredients

  • Two tablespoons of brown sugar.
  • A tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Also a teaspoon of honey.
  • A teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Bucket filled with warm water.

How to prepare

  1. Mix the brown sugar, honey, lemon juice, and olive oil well together until a suitable, thick dough is formed.
  2. We soak the feet in warm water for a period ranging from 10 minutes to a quarter of an hour, then apply the previous paste to the feet, making sure to massage gently for several minutes in circular motions.
  3. After that, wash the feet well with warm water. This recipe must be repeated at least 3 times a week.

The importance of the recipe

  • Recipe Brown sugar contains a high percentage of glycolic acid and alpha hydroxyl acid, which have anti-infective properties.
  • Brown sugar also plays a major role in removing dead skin on cracked feet and leaves the skin soft and moist.

Milk to get rid of cracked feet

Recipe ingredients

  • One cup of fresh milk.
  • 4 tablespoons of brown sugar.
  • 1/2 cup of coconut oil.
  • 7 cups of warm water.

How to prepare the recipe

  1. Add both warm water and milk in a suitable large Hajj bowl, then soak the cracked feet in the mixture for at least ten minutes.
  2. Add the brown sugar and mix the ingredients well until a suitable dough is formed. Then we gently massage the feet for 8 minutes in circular motions.
  3. After that, wash your feet well with warm water, then dry your feet completely. To get amazing results, it is best to do this recipe right before bed.

The importance of the recipe

  • Milk is a rich source of vitamin A, in addition to containing many nutrients that make the skin more radiant and vibrant.
  • In addition, it is a natural exfoliant that exfoliates the skin and gets rid of dead skin easily.

Turmeric recipe to treat cracked feet

Recipe ingredients

  • 3 tablespoons of turmeric powder.
  • Several drops of coconut oil.

How to prepare

  1. We mix turmeric with a small amount of coconut oil and stir the ingredients together for several minutes until a suitable dough is obtained.
  2. Apply the paste to the feet and leave it for at least 1/2 hour, making sure to wrap the feet well with a piece of cloth.
  3. After that, wash the feet well with warm water. To obtain effective results, it is preferable to repeat this mixture constantly.

The importance of the recipe

Turmeric has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is preferable to use it to treat cracked feet naturally.

Essential oils recipe

Recipe ingredients

  • 3 drops of peppermint essential oil.
  • Two drops of tea tree oil.
  • 3 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  • Suitable container.
  • An appropriate amount of warm water.

How to use the recipe

  1. Pour warm water into a suitable bowl and leave it until it cools down a little, then add tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, and peppermint essential oil to it.
  2. Soak the cracked feet for 20 to 30 minutes, then dry the feet well.
  3. It is preferable to do this recipe every day, especially before going to sleep. Although the recipe is effective in treating cracked feet, it gives the person a feeling of relaxation and helps to sleep deeply.

The importance of the recipe

Essential oils are considered one of the most effective treatments for getting rid of cracked feet. They also have properties that resist bacteria and fungi that cause cracked feet.

The most important tips for preventing cracked feet

There are a set of tips that must be adhered to to prevent cracked feet, the most important of which are the following:

  • Make sure to moisturize your feet regularly at least twice a day, in the morning and evening.
    • Whether it is using moisturizing creams or using natural moisturizing oils in order to keep the skin soft and hydrated.
  • Massage the feet with a pumice stone daily, especially when bathing, because it helps get rid of dead cells and removes dry skin with ease.
  • Avoid standing for long periods on your feet, as this is one of the most common causes of cracked feet.
    • This can be avoided by wearing suitable shoes when walking to protect the heels from cracking.

You can also learn about: treatment of cracked hands and fingers

In conclusion, we have talked in detail about treating cracked feet naturally. A person who suffers from cracked feet can follow one of the previous recipes mentioned in the article in order to get rid of this problem, and care must be taken to moisturize the feet constantly.

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