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Exercises to strengthen the back muscles at home. The back muscles are one of the important muscle groups that every individual should strengthen, because any load placed on the body or even the psychological state of the individual affects the back muscles, and there are many who cannot afford the expensive gym costs.
Contents of the article
What are the back muscles?
- It is necessary to learn about the back muscles, how to perform the exercises at home, and the benefits of doing these exercises.
- back muscles; It consists of four muscle groups, which are as follows.
- trapezius muscle; These are the muscles located directly below the neck, and are considered an extension of the shoulder muscles, so exercises for these muscles can be done with shoulder muscle exercises.
- Lateral muscles or masseter muscles; It is one of the largest muscle groups in the human body and covers the largest part of the back area.
- Middle back muscles; It is located below the lateral muscles, above the lower muscles. It is one of the small muscle groups, and therefore its exercises are few.
- lower back or lumbar muscles; It is one of the most important muscle groups in the back muscles and the muscles of the body in general, because it bears the greatest load and the weight of the entire body. Exercises for the lower back muscles are important and many, and the lower back muscles can also be exercised with foot exercises.
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إقرأ أيضا:فوائد تمرين تسلق الجبال – مقالThe importance of back muscle exercises
- There is no doubt that exercises for any muscle in the body are important, as exercises are the fuel for the muscles that make them flexible, move, and perform their work better. The importance of back muscle exercises can be summarized as follows:
- Regaining body fitness, many men want to have a fit back and build attractive back muscles.
- Also, many women are attracted to the shape of the back muscles, which is full of harmonious muscles, and back muscle exercises help to strengthen and enlarge the back muscles.
- Alleviating the feeling of back pain. There are many people who spend most of their time in front of the television or computer for work or for other purposes. There are also some jobs that are strenuous and exhausting for the back muscles, and this causes pain in the back area.
- Back muscle exercises are greatly beneficial in relieving pain in this area.
- Maintaining the flexibility and fitness of the back muscles, especially with age.
- Back exercises help greatly in preventing many diseases that affect the spine.
- Back muscle exercises make the back muscles stronger and can withstand a lot of loads and long working times without tiring the back muscles.
- Much research has proven that continuous exercise reduces the rate of premature death, and many studies have also proven that exercise contributes effectively to treating depression.
Harmful effects of not exercising the back muscles
- Not exercising in general is a very wrong thing to do, and neglecting back muscle exercises may in some cases lead to some damage, including the following.
- Feeling pain in the neck area.
- In some cases, the shape of the back or shoulder occurs.
- Spinal infections.
- Feeling pain in the lower back area.
- In some cases, a change in walking and movement occurs, such as lameness.
- When such symptoms appear, you must immediately consult a doctor, and the first advice from the doctor will be to practice exercises to strengthen the back muscles.
Exercises to strengthen the back muscles at home
- There are many and varied exercises to strengthen the back muscles, all of which are beneficial and important for the back muscles, and some believe that these exercises must be performed in gyms.
- Some people make the excuse that they do not have enough time to go to the gym, while others find that the gym costs are expensive, so here are the most important exercises to strengthen the back muscles at home, as explained to us by the German doctor Peter Baum, as follows:
1- Back and body exercises based on the hands and feet
- One of the easiest and simplest exercises to strengthen the back muscles. These exercises are called the cat back exercise. The body position is centered on the hands and feet and the back is straight.
- After that, the back is slowly tilted upward in a circular manner until the shape of the back is in the form of a convex arc, looking down, then returning again to the straight position.
- The second exercise is the opposite of the previous exercise, as the body’s position is as it is, based on the hands and feet, and the back is straight.
- But instead of the back being tilted up and looking down, the back is tilted down so that the shape of the back is concave and the back is looked up and then returned again to the normal position.
2- Back exercises while sleeping on the back
- This exercise is also considered one of the easy exercises to strengthen the back muscles and is called the bridge exercise, in which the person lies on his back with his legs close to his body and his arms next to his hands, then raises the torso and buttocks area for a period of no less than 10 seconds, then repeats this exercise again.
- Dr. Baum says that when you get used to this exercise and gain greater physical fitness, another movement can be added to the exercise, which is raising one leg with the torso and buttocks area and switching between the legs.
- Dr. Baum adds: This exercise is very useful in strengthening the back and abdominal muscles together and helps greatly in obtaining a tight and harmonious abdomen and back. It also strengthens the muscles of the legs and feet.
3- Back exercises while sleeping on the stomach
- In this exercise, you sleep on your stomach upright with your back and legs completely straight, then your arms are joined under your head, and your legs are extended upward to slowly form a sharp angle, holding this position for 10 seconds. Then you extend your legs to the first position and then extend them up again.
- This exercise is considered one of the most important exercises to strengthen the back muscles and is very useful in tightening the buttocks area.
4- Airplane mode exercises
- It is also called Superman exercises, where you sleep on your stomach, extending your hands forward and your feet back, spreading them slightly apart.
- Then the hands and feet are raised up while also looking up, and hold in that position for 10 seconds, then return to the original position slowly, then repeat the exercise again.
- Another exercise similar to this exercise, in which the right hand is raised with the left foot up, then the left hand is raised with the right foot, and swimming and floating movements can be performed. This exercise is useful for strengthening the back muscles and tightening the body muscles.
5- Cobra exercise
- The Cobra exercise is considered one of the most important and easiest exercises that strengthens the back muscles and works greatly to tighten the back muscles and obtain a straight back.
- In this exercise, you sleep on your stomach and place your hands at shoulder level, then raise your upper body up and look up, while keeping your back muscles straight at the top and not arched. This position is held for one to one and a half minutes.
See also: Treatment of torn shoulder and back muscles
إقرأ أيضا:انظر حولكعن المدى الطويل6- Squat exercise
- This exercise is also considered one of the easy and important exercises in strengthening the back and body muscles.
- In this exercise, you stand straight and extend your arms forward, then bend your knees in an attempt as if you were sitting, then stand again, keeping your arms extended and your back straight.
7- Wall support exercise
- This exercise is similar to the squat exercise. In this exercise, the back is leaned against the wall with the back touching the wall and the body is straight, then only the feet are moved away from the wall by one step and the feet are separated.
- Also move the hands slightly away from the body but keep them close to the wall, then bend the knees and go down as in a squat until the knee is in a 90-degree position, then stand up straight again.
- This exercise helps relieve back pain and restore its straightness.
8- Curve exercise
- In this exercise, you sleep on your stomach upright, then bring your legs and feet together towards the torso area so that your feet and your buttocks are in an upright position and your body is in the shape of a triangle.
- The hands are also extended straight on the floor next to the head, and hold this position for 10 seconds while breathing slowly.
9- Horizontal exercises
Pull-up exercises are considered one of the most important exercises for the body in general and for strengthening the back muscles in particular. They work to strengthen the muscles of the back, shoulders, arms and neck, and also work to tighten the back muscles.
إقرأ أيضا:ترتيب الدوري الإنجليزي الممتاز 2011-2012 – مقالExercises to strengthen the upper back muscles and strengthen the spine at home
- There are some exercises that are specialized in strengthening the spine and upper back muscles, which can be performed at home, and these exercises include the following.
1- Spinal stretching exercise
- It involves sleeping on the back, then bending the knees and bringing them to the chest, holding the legs with the hands, holding this position for 10 seconds and breathing slowly.
- This exercise is useful in restoring the alignment of the spine and restoring its flexibility. It also helps to tighten the back muscles and relieve pain.
2- Right angle exercise
- In this exercise, you sleep on your back straight, then extend the right leg and raise it straight up until it is at 90 degrees (a right angle) with the body and hold behind the knee with your hands, then hold for 10 seconds, then switch with the other leg.
- This exercise is useful in strengthening the back and leg muscles and straightening the spine.
3- Abdominal exercises
- Abdominal exercises are very useful in strengthening the back and abdominal muscles. In this exercise, you sleep straight on your back.
- Then bend the knees and bring them slightly towards the body, and bring the hands together under the head.
- Then the head, chest area and torso are brought together towards the knees little by little.
Exercises to strengthen the lower back muscles
There are also some exercises that specialize in strengthening the lower back muscles that can be practiced at home, and these exercises include the following.
1- Pelvic exercise
- In this exercise, sleep on your back straight, then bend your knees and bring them slightly toward the pelvic area, spacing your feet about a foot apart.
- Then the hands are joined to be under the back in the lower back muscles above the pelvic area, then the back is raised up and then lowered down slowly.
2- Exercise the foot at a right angle
- In this exercise, the right knee is bent to a right angle with the back straight and the hands next to the body, and the left leg is extended backward and alternate between them.
3- Back and thigh exercise
- This exercise is concerned with strengthening the lower back muscles and thigh muscles. It involves sleeping on the back and bending the knees slightly towards the torso, then holding the right thigh slightly below the joint with the hands and holding it towards the chest, then switching with the other thigh.
4- Prostration exercise
This exercise is similar to the prostration position in prayer, with the hands extended forward, bending the knee and bringing it toward the chest and touching it while keeping the back straight, then raising the back upward and returning down slowly.
Exercises using tools from home
- There are some easy and light exercises that can be performed at home and while doing routine household chores to strengthen the back muscles, and these exercises include the following.
- You can use a broom or something similar and lift it as if it were weights, while keeping your back straight.
- You can extend your hands towards the washing machine, spread your body apart at arm’s length, then lean your chest towards the washing machine and back again, keeping your back straight.
Foods that strengthen the back muscles
To build stronger back muscles and a fit body that can perform exercises and work well, it is necessary to eat foods that help in performing these activities. Here are the best foods that strengthen the muscles in general and the back muscles in particular, which are as follows.
- Drinking water is one of the most important things the body needs to build and strengthen muscles, as about 75% of muscle formation is water.
- Therefore, muscles need water to build and strengthen them, and according to the latest studies, under normal circumstances, the body needs at least one and a half to two liters per day.
- Eggs need to be known for their importance and the importance of the components they contain. The most important of these components are proteins, which are among the most important nutritional components that muscles need.
- Eating eggs in any way is beneficial, and the best way is to eat eggs raw. The raw taste can be softened by adding milk or by adding eggs with orange juice, bananas, and a spoonful of coconut.
Fish and seafood in general are among the most important foods that help in strengthening and building muscles. Specialists advise eating fish or seafood at least once or twice a week.
4- Nuts
Most types of nuts are rich in proteins and natural fats that the body needs, as well as other important elements that the body needs to strengthen and build muscles, such as calcium, iron, and magnesium.
Legumes are an important type of food that is rich in carbohydrates and amino acids that are important in building muscles. Eating legumes also greatly helps in balancing blood sugar levels.
6- Broccoli
Broccoli is one of the most protein-rich vegetables. It is also rich in antioxidants and is one of the foods that help prevent the risk of cancer.
7- Berries
Berries, of all kinds, are very rich in antioxidants and essential vitamins that the body needs.
Rice: Who among us does not like rice? Rice is considered an abundant source of protein and is one of the foods that is completely digested in the stomach by 100%. It is also a source of vitamin B.
Tips when doing exercises at home
There are some important tips that you should follow and not neglect when performing exercises at home, which are as follows:
- Perform a warm-up and some stretching exercises to soften the muscles and joints and avoid muscle tension.
- Drink appropriate amounts of water.
- Choose the appropriate place to practice exercises, preferably an open or well-ventilated place, and one that should be spacious and far from obstacles so as not to cause injury.
- The break between eating and exercising should be at least half an hour.
- A healthy mind resides in a healthy body, and taking care of our physical health is one of the extremely important matters that many neglect.
- Continuous exercise helps get rid of many problems and diseases of the body, and it also helps in strengthening and building muscles and obtaining Tight and attractive body.
See also: Exercises to strengthen the back muscles
At the end of our journey with Exercises to strengthen the back muscles At home, you should think carefully about allocating some time daily to exercise, so that you can enjoy better health and a stronger body.