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جزيرة الثعبان في البرازيل – -انظر حولك

Snake Island is the most dangerous island in Brazil, For lovers of travel and nature, getting to know the islands surrounding the city or country in the next destination is normal, but for risk-takers, Algeria and darker places are the best destinations.

Most of us prefer to avoid the evil of these islands and learn about them through channels such as the National Geographic Channel or through articles. Now, have you ever heard of an island ruled by snakes over other reptiles? Let us get to know Snake Island in Brazil.

Location of Snake Island in Brazil

  • Isla de Quemada Grande, or as it is known to some as Snake Island or Snake Island, is one of the most dangerous places in the world. It is also the most dangerous island on Earth, as it has been abandoned by humans, mammals, and types of insects despite its tropical climate due to the difficulty and danger of its terrain. It has become a special island for snakes. .
  • Isla de Quemada Grande is located off the Brazilian coast, and is 93 miles away from the city of São Paulo. On this island, you will find that from one to five snakes are present per one square meter of it, and it also contains the world’s rarest and deadliest snakes. Launch.
  • The lack of people or predators has allowed these reptiles to reproduce in large numbers over time, even though the area of ​​​​the island is classified as relatively small, meaning its area in kilometers is estimated at about 0.43.
  • The only evidence that distinguishes this island is the presence of a lighthouse on it. This lighthouse was built in the year 1909 AD, to warn nearby ships. It was also built recently, and it has recently been controlled remotely, and now that island is considered one of the uninhabited islands.

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Types of snakes on Snake Island in Brazil

  • There are several types of snakes on this island, the most prominent of which is the golden head or golden spear, although this snake is classified as rare and threatened with extinction on the local and global levels.
    • However, the goldenhead snake is the dominant species on the Brazilian island of Isla de Quemada Grande, where it numbers between 2,000 and 4,000 goldenhead snakes.
  • The golden head snake is also considered the most dangerous species in the world. Its bite leads to the death of a person in about one hour, and if he is lucky, its bite will only cause kidney failure. The bite of this snake also leads to muscle tissue loss, and also leads to gastric bleeding and bleeding in the brain.
  • Thus, it is considered the most deadly species among its family of threshing snakes, which dominate the mainland of the island. The primary food for young golden spear snakes is centipedes, and the young ones also feed on frogs and lizards found on the island.
  • But the largest golden spear snakes, especially women, feed on migratory birds that pass through the island in specific seasons, meaning that this island is not only dangerous to humans, but to all living creatures as well.

The question here is how did these creatures reach this island?

  • There is a story about this, more than 10 thousand years before our time now, that there was an area of ​​land connected to the island.
    • Then the water level rose successively, and that led to the isolation of that island and the complete encirclement of it, and all the snakes were isolated with it, and with the development of living organisms, those snakes evolved to suit the surrounding environment.
  • Its defenses and ferocity developed, as its name became the most deadly of all, killing whatever it hunts within a few minutes.

Trip to Snake Island in Brazil

  • The Snake Island in Brazil, or as it is known to Brazil and nearby countries as Isla de Quemada Grande, is a real doom and a terrifying nightmare for anyone who thinks about approaching it.
    • Its atmosphere is one of the scariest you can find.
    • It is not only dangerous to humans, but to any living being who thinks about approaching it.
  • Before visits to that island were officially banned, snakes had killed many tourists, indigenous people, or researchers who wanted to study them.
    • The Brazilian authorities have tightened and generally banned travel to Isla de Quemada Grande.
    • Except for those who are able to obtain an official permit from the government, and this is extremely difficult.
  • In special cases, those who can obtain this type of permit are researchers and experts in this field who do not care about their lives and can risk them.
  • One of the conditions for obtaining a permit to visit Isla de Quemada Grande is that a specialist doctor accompany each regiment that is authorized to visit.
    • This is to reduce the number of deaths and treat people suffering from snake bites there.
    • For no regiment would go to that island and return entirely unscathed without at least one or two cases having been made.
  • Those entrusted with maintenance work on that island are the Brazilian Navy.
    • They have an annual visit to the island for maintenance work on the lighthouse, and to ensure its efficiency to prevent ship accidents.

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Secrets of Snake Island in Brazil

The facts and secrets that fill that island will never end, and we will mention some of them that everyone interested in you should know about such places or the island in general:

  • You won’t find Golden Spear Snakes anywhere in the world except on this island.
    • Isla de Queimada Grande is the only home to 11 species of snakes in the world.
  • The island contains several species other than the golden spear snake.
    • Such as the bifron dabs snake, which is a species that lives on the island.
    • But this species is non-toxic, and you can find it in rainy places.
  • The island is not only the focus of attention of researchers and scientists.
    • Or it constitutes an obsession for the most famous risk-takers in the world, but it is also the focus of attention of merchants and smugglers.
    • They risk going there and catching these snakes, where they display them on the black market.
    • The price of each of them reaches 10,000 or 30,000 US dollars.
  • One of the projects that failed miserably was converting the island into agricultural land for banana trees.
    • This is done through a rainforest planting program by cutting and burning plants found in the rainforest.
  • From the first glance at the island, you think that it is the focus of attention of tourists, due to its beauty and picturesque nature.
    • It will be the perfect place to enjoy the beaches, sea water and rain forest atmosphere.

Legends about Snake Island in Brazil

  • Certainly, the island, like other places, will not be devoid of legends and folk tales that circulate among people.
    • It gives the place magic beyond magic, so that it becomes like a fantasy place when you hear these legends.
  • One of the most famous stories circulating about the island is that it was inhabited by a lighthouse keeper and his family long ago.
    • Poisonous snakes infiltrated his house and the lighthouse through the doors and windows, which were opened with the lighthouse keeper and tapes, which led to their destruction.
  • There is another legend that this island was the destination of pirates at sea.
    • For fear that their treasures will be plundered on every visit, they provide the island with some snakes to check on their property.
  • One of the stories of fishermen and sailors is that there was a fisherman with a boat who made a mistake.
    • He went down to that island hoping to find something to eat, and when he tried to pick some bananas.
    • One of the snakes bit him several times on his way to escape, and he died as a result of those bites.

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History of Snake Island in Brazil

  • The history of Serpent Island (Ilha da Queimada Grande) in Brazil goes back hundreds of years. It is a small island located in the Atlantic Ocean about 33 kilometers from the coast of Brazil.
  • It is also known as “Snake Island” due to the presence of large quantities of venomous snakes on the island.
  • The history of Snake Island relates to the presence of these snakes and warnings against traveling there.
  • Snake Island is home to golden rattlesnakes (Bothrops insularis), one of the most venomous snakes in the world, and a conservation area has been established for the island to preserve the diverse wildlife there.
  • Snake Island is not inhabited, so movement there is limited and restricted due to the dangers of venomous snakes.
  • Access to the island is restricted to researchers and scientists with special permits.
  • The authorities prevent ordinary visitors from entering the island in order to protect the environment and preserve the unique wildlife there.

Area of ​​Snake Island in Brazil

  • The area of ​​​​Serpent Island (Ilha da Queimada Grande) in Brazil is about 0.43 square kilometers.
  • It is a small island located about 33 kilometers off the coast of the Brazilian state of São Paulo in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • The island is characterized by a unique natural environment, rich in flora and fauna and by the presence of large quantities of venomous snakes, including the golden rattlesnake (Bothrops insularis) that live there.

Is it possible to visit Snake Island in Brazil?

  • Visiting Snake Island in Brazil is prohibited for ordinary visitors, due to the great danger resulting from the presence of large quantities of venomous snakes on the island, including golden rattle snakes (Bothrops insularis). These snakes are considered one of the most venomous species in the world.
  • Snake Island has been transformed into an environmental protection zone that protects the diverse wildlife on the island, and Brazilian authorities prohibit access to it except for specific research and scientific purposes.
  • Ordinary visitors are not allowed to wander on the island or engage in any tourist activity in order to protect the environment and preserve the snakes and the unique ecosystem in the place.
  • In addition to environmental restrictions, Brazil has strict laws regulating access to the island and punishing trespassers. Therefore, it is essential to refrain from trying to visit Snake Island illegally and respect environmental laws and directives.

Is it possible to live on Snake Island?

Snake Island (Ilha da Queimada Grande) in Brazil is not a suitable place to live due to several factors:

  • Presence of poisonous snakes: The island is considered one of the most dangerous places in the world in terms of the presence of venomous snakes, including golden rattlesnakes. These snakes live in abundance on the island, making it an unsafe place to live.
  • Harsh climate: The island suffers from harsh and dry weather, with a shortage of fresh water and problems communicating with the outside world.
  • Laws and regulations: Snake Island has been turned into an environmental protection zone, and Brazilian authorities prohibit access to it except for research and scientific purposes. Strict legal penalties are imposed on anyone who attempts to live on or enter the island illegally.

Frequently asked questions about Snake Island in Brazil

What is Snake Island in Brazil?

Snake Island is a small island located in the Atlantic Ocean about 33 kilometers off the coast of the Brazilian state of São Paulo. The island is known for its large quantities of venomous snakes, including golden rattlesnakes.

Is it possible to visit Snake Island?

Visiting Snake Island is prohibited for ordinary visitors due to the high risk associated with the presence of venomous snakes. Authorities prohibit access to the island except for specific research and scientific purposes.

What snakes are on Snake Island?

The main snakes on the island are golden rattlesnakes (Bothrops insularis), one of the most venomous species in the world.

Are there houses or settlements on the island?

Snake Island is not inhabited, and there are no homes or settlements on the island. It is an environmental protection area.

Can scientists visit the island?

Yes, scientists are allowed to visit the island for certain research and scientific purposes with the approval of the Brazilian authorities.

What is the fate of the snakes on the island?

Snakes and wildlife on the island are protected by strict laws against hunting and illegal trade.

What are the reasons for the presence of large quantities of snakes on the island?

Environmental and geographic factors are thought to have contributed to the separation of these snakes from other species on the mainland and led to the evolution of an independent lineage.

Is it possible to live on Snake Island?

No, it is not safe to live on Snake Island due to the presence of venomous snakes and harsh environmental conditions.

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