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Information about fish eye. In this article, we provide information about fish eye, which is one of the skin diseases that takes a long time to treat, like any skin disease. Therefore, we must address everything related to fish eye, in terms of symptoms, causes, types, treatment, and method of prevention. , and other information.
The fish’s eye
- Fisheyes are hard bumps with a rough texture that appear on the surface of the skin due to infection with the papilloma virus.
- HPV includes many types, approximately 130 types.
- These viruses infect the skin and cause hard bumps of different sizes and shapes, but they are often the same color as the normal skin, or white to yellow.
See also: What is ichthyosis vulgaris?
Information about fisheye
- Fish eye is a skin disease and this name is the common name among people, but the medical name for this skin disease is warts.
- Warts or fish eyes can affect anyone, regardless of age, and they are very common among school students at different levels.
- The incubation period for warts ranges from one month to a year, and the patient may appear two or three months or more after being infected with the papilloma virus.
- The fisheye includes multiple species, reaching approximately 70 species.
Types of fisheye
There are many types of fisheye warts, the most prominent and common among people are the following:
إقرأ أيضا:ما هو دور تخطيط الدماغ انظر حولك1- Familiar fish eye
- This type of fish eye is a benign tumor that affects the outer skin, and it cannot turn into a malignant cancerous tumor.
- This type of wart is removed by using polishing materials, or by burning with liquid nitrogen, or resorting to electrocoagulation, and it can also be removed using laser technology.
- Electromagnetic radio waves cannot be used to remove the familiar fish eye, because it does not turn into a malignant tumor.
- When removing warts, one must be careful not to touch them directly with the fingers without wearing protective gloves, as the virus infects the nails.
- Common warts usually affect young children due to their weak immune system, and they also affect adults who suffer from various types of immune diseases.
2- Fisheye toe
- This type, which causes severe pain to the affected person, is a benign tumor that affects the skin.
- This type of fisheye most often affects the feet, although it is contagious.
- Plantar warts can be contracted when walking barefoot without shoes.
- It is treated with the same therapeutic methods used to treat common warts (laser, abrasives, burning with nitrogen, and electrocoagulation).
3- Flatfish eye
- Flatfish eye most often affects the face and neck, as it appears suddenly and spreads very quickly.
- Although this type is difficult to treat, it never turns into a malignant cancerous tumor.
- Flat warts often grow on places that have previously been burned or scabbed.
4- Common fisheye
- This type affects children more than adults, as it often appears on the foot or hand.
- This type of wart is pink or flesh-colored and has a very rough texture.
- The common fish eye does not cause any concern for the affected child, as it is a benign tumor that never turns into a cancerous tumor.
5- Mucous fish eye
- Mucous fisheye includes several types, the most common of which is the solitary fisheye, which appears on the lips, cheeks, or tongue.
- The second most common type of mucous fisheye is disseminated warts, which are known as oral papillomas.
- It appears in the form of lines inside the mouth that tend to be white, but they are not disturbing at all.
6- Fish eye on the sole of the foot or hand
This type appears on the soles of the feet or hands. They are small bumps with a hard texture, accompanied by pain in most cases.
إقرأ أيضا:ما هو ضيق التنفس النفسي؟ انظر حولك7- Fish eye in the genital areas
- Genital warts are fish eyes that appear only in the genital areas.
- It appears as soft, pink-colored bumps around the genital organ, whether female or male.
- Genital fisheye is transmitted through sexual intercourse, and this type is considered the most dangerous type of warts.
- Genital fisheye can result in some cancerous tumors in women in the cervix, vagina, or anus.
- It may also sometimes cause cancer of the anus or the head of the penis in men.
- This type does not cause pain, but it may cause bleeding easily, and it is widespread in North America.
Causes of fish eye infection
There are various and varied causes and factors that can be a direct cause of fish eye infection or warts of various types, the most prominent of which are the following:
- Wearing high-heeled shoes.
- Wearing uncomfortable shoes that do not fit the size of the foot (narrow or wide).
- Significant weight gain, causing an imbalance in the distribution of body weight on the foot.
- Suffering from some bone diseases and rheumatism.
- Frequent wearing of stiff sports shoes.
- Using the personal tools of a person with fisheye.
- Biting nails with teeth is one of the reasons for the spread of warts on the nails and fingers.
- In the case of walking without shoes on the sides of swimming pools and touching the same place where a person with warts walked who is also not wearing shoes.
- Excessive use of antibiotics also makes a person more susceptible to fish eye infection due to weak immune system efficiency.
- Frequent use of sharp tools when shaving the face or leg may be a factor in the appearance of fish eyes.
See also: How to treat fisheye with lemon at home
إقرأ أيضا:أسباب رائحة البراز الكريهة وكيفية التخلص منها؟ انظر حولكFisheye symptoms
There are certain symptoms that appear on the patient’s skin that serve as a clear indication of fisheye infection, including the following:
- The appearance of small spots on the surface of the skin that were not present before.
- The skin texture becomes noticeably rough.
- The appearance of small pimples on the skin, which are blood vessels that have become blocked.
- Feeling of annoying itching in rough areas of the skin.
- Unbearable pain in areas where black spots appear.
- Feeling severe pain while walking if the fish eye is in the feet.
Is fisheye contagious?
- Most types of fisheye are contagious, as they are transmitted from one person to another, through a healthy person using the tools of an infected person.
- The infection can also be transmitted by walking without shoes in a place where a person with warts has walked.
- The infection can be transmitted from infected places to healthy places for the same person, if the same person touches the eye of a fish and does not wash the hand well afterward.
Fish eye treatment
There are different treatment methods that can be followed in order to get rid of fish eye, which are determined by the treating physician depending on the condition and type of fish eye that the patient suffers from. These treatment methods are as follows:
1- Drug treatment
- There is a cream in pharmacies that contains salicylic acid, which is used topically on the affected area.
- The cream is applied to the affected area, after washing the feet well with soap and water.
- It is preferable to use the ointment after showering to ensure that the skin is sufficiently moisturized.
- Leave the ointment containing salicylic acid on the fish’s eye for a sufficient period of time until the affected area becomes somewhat soft.
- An sandpaper or pumice stone is used to gently remove dead skin.
- The process is repeated for about a month, as skin diseases take a relatively long time to treat.
- It is also possible to use some medications that help raise the efficiency of the immune system, after consulting a doctor.
- There is also cantharidin, which can also be used to treat warts.
- This is done by placing it on the affected area, tying it with a bandage for a whole day, then removing it and repeating the process for several days.
2- Surgical removal of fish eye
- There are surgical methods that can be resorted to in the event that an effective result is not obtained from drug treatment.
- The doctor may resort to cryocauterization, where he uses nitrogen gas to completely get rid of the tough skin tags.
- In some cases, the doctor may resort to using blades and polishing materials to remove warts, where the patient is completely anesthetized, and the wounds are thoroughly disinfected to prevent exposure to infection.
- There are cases of warts that are treated with laser, by exposing skin tags to laser using specific techniques to break them down and destroy them completely.
- Knowing that fisheye can appear again after treatment, whether in the same place that was treated or in another place, so preventive advice must be followed.
3- Home treatment
There are some natural methods that rely on herbs, vegetables, and some foods, which can be easily implemented at home to get rid of fish eye. The most prominent of these methods are the following:
1- Onions
A slice of onion is grilled, then placed on the affected area before sleeping, and secured with a bandage or medical bandage.
They are removed the next day, and repeated for three weeks until complete recovery.
2- Apple cider vinegar
- Apple cider vinegar is one of the effective natural materials in treating skin diseases, because it contains antioxidants.
- Place one fresh green leaf in a little apple cider vinegar for at least 12 hours.
- Use a leaf soaked in apple cider vinegar on the wound immediately before sleeping, and it is preferable to use a bandage or bandage to secure it.
- They are removed the next morning. It is preferable to repeat the process daily for three weeks until the warts are completely cured.
Fish eye treatment with garlic
- Garlic is known for its many health benefits, and its effectiveness in treating many diseases, especially skin problems.
- Garlic contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances that help kill bacteria and prevent the growth of germs. It is also a natural antibiotic.
- Place the chopped garlic directly on the area affected by the fish’s eye, leave it for a quarter of an hour, then wash it with soap and water.
- Repeat the process twice daily for at least two weeks to completely get rid of fisheye.
- To get quick results, you can add a spoonful of castor oil to chopped garlic.
Fish eye patch
- There is a medical patch containing salicylic acid, which can be purchased from a pharmacy, and is applied to the area affected by the fish eye on the surface of the skin.
- The medical patch is left on the site of the injury for about four days, then it is replaced with another one.
- The process is repeated two or three times until the rough skin tags fall off.
Diagnosis of fish eye disease
- A doctor should be consulted as soon as he notices the appearance of bumps with a rough texture on the surface of the skin.
- The doctor performs a clinical examination of the patient, then performs the necessary tests to determine the nature of these skin tags.
- The doctor may often take a sample and analyze it microscopically.
Reasons for consulting a doctor
There are cases that require consultation with the treating physician, including the following:
- Feeling severe pain in the area affected by warts.
- Exposure to bleeding in the area after being exposed to a scratch or shock.
- Obvious changes in the shape of the fish’s eye.
- The speed at which a fish eye spreads from one place to another in the body.
- The fisheye appears again after removing it using any of the methods mentioned above.
- The appearance of fish eyes in vital places causes a person to be unable to complete daily tasks.
- There are some patients who want to remove warts for aesthetic purposes only, without exposing them to pain or any other complications.
The difference between a fish eye and a corn
There are some things through which one can distinguish between fisheye and corns, and the most prominent of these signs are the following:
1- The fish’s eye
- Fisheye is a rough bump that appears on the surface of the skin, and is often caused by the growth of the papillomavirus.
- There are types that appear due to pressure on the feet or wearing inappropriate shoes.
- There are types that cause pain and there are types that do not cause any pain.
- Fisheye appears the same color as the skin, and rarely appears white.
- Fish eyes are treated in different ways, the most prominent of which are lasers, polishing materials, and liquid nitrogen.
- There are also other reliable methods for treating fish eyes, or warts, as they are called medically, including the use of salicylic acid.
2- corn
- Corns are fleshy growths that appear on both sides of the foot, due to direct friction or intense pressure.
- These growths usually appear due to wearing shoes that do not fit the foot size for long periods of time every day.
- The treatment for corns is to reduce pressure on the feet and wear appropriate shoes.
- Special plasters from pharmacies can also be used for this purpose, which work to reduce friction and reduce the feeling of pain.
- There are also cases that require cold ironing sessions to get rid of corns permanently.
Tips to prevent fish eye infection
There are some tips that can be followed in order to prevent various types of fish eye infections, including the following:
- Wear shoes with soft and comfortable soles.
- Choose the appropriate shoe size for the foot size, taking into account the comfort of the toes inside the shoe.
- Do not walk barefoot without shoes.
- Diabetic patients must take the medicine at the specified times and in the exact doses.
- Always wash your feet with soap and water after removing your shoes to eliminate germs and viruses that cause skin diseases, including fisheye.
- Be careful to remove the tough skin to avoid the formation of fish eyes.
- If a place in the body is infected with a fish eye, the patient must be careful not to touch or tamper with it, so that the infection does not spread to other places.
- If some nails are affected by warts, the same clippers should not be used to cut healthy nails.
- A patch can be used on the fish’s eye to prevent its spread, while being careful not to tamper with it or puncture it, which greatly leads to the spread of the virus.
- Keep your feet and hands constantly moist, as the virus that causes fisheye is difficult to grow on moist skin.
- In case of contact with a fish’s eye, hands should be washed well with soap and water.
See also: Definition of fish eye disease
At the end of the information article about fish eye, we hope that you will like the content presented, as we presented a comprehensive article about fish eye disease, which is one of the most common skin diseases among people of different age groups, and we promise to provide more new and useful articles during the coming period. .