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Natural platelet analysis: Platelets are the important and precise parts of cells that help in the blood clotting process. When any damage occurs to the blood vessels and bleeding occurs, the platelets work to stop this bleeding and collect the platelets at the site of the bleeding and work to stop it.
About platelets
- The thrombocyte is a very small cell in size and is produced from megakaryocytes. It is found in the bone marrow, which is considered the spongy center of the bones and is responsible for the production of other blood cells such as white blood cells and red blood cells.
- When platelets are viewed under a microscope, they appear in the form of small slices, and they play a very important role in stopping bleeding when exposed to any bleeding or during surgery.
- By creating blood clotting to stop bleeding. It is worth noting that platelets, after they are produced, live in the blood for a period ranging from eight to ten days.
Normal platelet analysis
- The cells of the human body contain tiny parts called platelets, which are responsible for the blood clotting process. When any bleeding occurs in the body, they help stop this bleeding. There are a number of analyzes that are performed to ensure that the platelets are healthy and perform their function well.
- Such as the analysis that is performed for the platelet count, and this analysis is very important, as it is done in order to determine the causes of bleeding and clotting that are abnormal, and through it diseases are diagnosed.
- The platelet count analysis is done in the laboratory by taking a sample of the sick person’s blood and analyzing it in the laboratory. The normal rate of platelet count in the blood is between one hundred and fifty thousand platelets/microliter to four hundred thousand platelets/microliter.
- There is another analysis called the bleeding time test. In this analysis, the time needed by the platelets to stop the bleeding is measured. It determines the extent of the platelets’ ability to form clotting.
- This is how the bleeding time analysis is done. The place from which the sample will be taken is sterilized, then the arm is tied with the laboratory’s compression bandage, then two superficial scratches are made, and when bleeding begins, the compression bandage is removed.
- Then a piece of paper for this analysis is placed on the bleeding site every thirty seconds, then a blood spot forms on it. When the bleeding stops, they record the length of time it took for the bleeding to stop, and then the bleeding site is bandaged.
Platelet aggregation analysis
- There is also a platelet aggregation analysis. This analysis is done to ensure the ability of platelets to aggregate and form blood clots to stop bleeding.
- This analysis is done by taking a sample of the patient’s blood. First, the distribution of platelets in the blood is determined, then a chemical is added to the blood sample in order to measure the speed of platelet clotting in the patient’s sample.
- Flow cytometry analysis: This analysis shows quantitative and qualitative results due to the presence of receptors on the surface of platelets. Flow cytometry analysis contributes to determining the effectiveness of some anti-platelet aggregation drugs.
Closing time analysis
- There is another analysis called the closure time analysis, which measures the amount of time that platelets may need to close a hole in a small tube by placing the blood sample inside the tube.
- The addition of some stimulating chemicals to this analysis shows the performance of platelets or the presence of some imbalances in their functions, such as von Willebrand disease.
What is the normal number of platelets?
- The number of platelets in the blood is measured and the analysis is done in the laboratory and is called a complete blood count or complete blood count (CBC).
- This analysis shows the number of platelets present in each cubic millimeter of total blood, in addition to measuring the number of white blood cells and the number of red blood cells.
- There are many modern methods to accurately measure the number of platelets in a blood sample under a microscope, and the normal number of platelets ranges between one hundred and fifty thousand to four hundred thousand platelets, and this is per microliter.
- The analysis percentage may vary from one laboratory to another, but the percentage is very slight, and often a slight increase or decrease in the number of platelets is not considered a problem, so the doctor sees a complete blood count to ensure that there are any health problems in the patient and looks at the patient’s medical history.
Increase in platelet count
- When the number of platelets exceeds the normal rate of more than four hundred and fifty thousand platelets per microliter, in this case it is called thrombocytosis, and this is caused by some factors that cause the marrow to produce increased numbers of platelets.
- This increase is divided into two types, which are an increase in essential or primary platelets. The reason behind this increase is not known. There is also an increase in the number of reactive platelets or secondary platelets. This increase in the number of platelets is the result of factors such as infection with diseases, and we will mention in detail its causes.
- The causes of this increase include some types of cancer, such as lung cancer, ovarian cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, lymphoma, and breast cancer.
- Among the causes of an increase in the number of platelets is iron deficiency anemia, in addition to hemolytic anemia.
- Some inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and gastritis, in addition to some infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, taking birth control pills, and removing the spleen.
Decrease in platelet count
- When a person suffers from a low number of platelets beyond the normal limit, this condition is called thrombocytopenia, and the sick person shows symptoms of bleeding in the digestive system, gums, and nose, and the appearance of bruises in the body, and these symptoms occur many times.
- A decrease in the number of platelets occurs as a result of the presence of some factors that prevent the marrow from producing platelets, and we will mention these factors in detail.
- A decrease in the number of platelets may occur as a result of genetic factors in humans, or it may occur as a result of taking some medical drugs for which a decrease in the number of platelets is a side effect.
- In addition to normal platelet analysis, excessive alcohol consumption and addiction, and some types of cancer such as leukemia and lymphoma, or occur as a result of undergoing chemotherapy to recover from cancer, or occur as a result of a defect in kidney function.
Increase in platelet breakdown
- There are some factors that cause an increase in the breakdown of platelets, which leads to a decrease in the number of platelets. These factors include pregnancy, in which platelet breakdown is slight and becomes good after birth.
- Or in cases of immune platelet deficiency, especially in children, such as some autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. In these cases, the immune system attacks the platelets.
- Delegation: Platelet breakage occurs as a result of bacteremia. Bacteremia occurs due to some forms of bacterial infection. It may be severe and destroy platelets. There is a rare condition called thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.
- In this case, many platelets are produced so that small clots are formed in many parts of the body.
- In addition to taking some drugs and medical medications that contribute significantly to lowering the platelet count, such as medications that contain heparin, quinine, and some types of antibiotics.
- Which contain sulfa and anti-epileptics, as these drugs affect the immune system, which in turn works to attack platelets and break them down.
- There is another rare disorder called hemolytic uremic syndrome. In this case, there is a very significant decrease in the number of platelets and a significant deterioration in kidney function. This syndrome may occur as a result of infection with a type of bacteria called Escherichia coli bacteria, and it occurs as a result of eating raw and immature meat.
Symptoms of platelet deficiency
- There are many symptoms that appear in a patient with a low platelet count, especially if the platelet deficiency is severe, and we will show you these symptoms in detail. However, if the platelet deficiency is simple, it does not have any symptoms.
- Symptoms that accompany a low platelet count include bruises in various places in the body and healthy bleeding that causes red bruises on the skin and a constant feeling of fatigue, stress, and exhaustion.
- In addition to bleeding in wounds, which takes a long time, bleeding in the gums, nosebleeds, jaundice, heavy bleeding during menstruation, blood may appear in the stool or urine, enlarged spleen, deep vein thrombosis, and difficulty stopping the bleeding.
The diagnosis required to clarify the presence of thrombocytopenia
- To conduct the necessary tests to determine platelet count deficiency, the doctor examines the patient physically by looking at the superficial skin bleeding and bruises that have appeared on the patient’s body.
- The doctor presents many questions to the sick person, such as the family’s medical history, questions related to the symptoms he feels, and the various medications that the patient is taking. It is possible for platelet deficiency to occur without any tangible causes, and as a result, the laboratory analysis result is approved, which shows the number of platelets for the patient.
- Diagnosing the patient may require many other tests, such as a bone marrow test, a blood smear test, in which platelets are examined microscopically, a complete blood count, various blood tests related to clotting, and a bone marrow biopsy.
Blood clotting and its symptoms
- Blood clots occur within the veins or arteries, and it is considered one of the most dangerous diseases, as the death rate from blood clotting diseases reaches thirty to fifty percent of the total deaths. It is a secondary disease and its causes are other diseases or disorders that led to the occurrence of clotting.
- Common symptoms that appear in the patient are the appearance of superficial bleeding in the skin, causing red bruises, disturbances in the patient’s liver function, and disturbances in the lung functions.
- In addition to disturbances in kidney function and disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, this disease poses a great danger to human health.
Causes of blood clotting in some people
- There are two factors that cause blood clotting, which is a hereditary factor and an acquired factor, and the patient may have both reasons, and we will show you each reason separately in detail.
- As for acquired factors, they are the result of surgical operations on humans that take more than half an hour, with general anesthesia for the body, such as surgery on the abdomen, hips, and knees, or through obesity and the patient’s weight gain because he is less mobile.
- Taking birth control pills and sitting for very long periods of time without moving. The older a person is, the more susceptible he is to blood clotting than a young person. In addition, people who smoke are more susceptible to blood clotting than others.
- As for genetic factors, there are protective factors that lead to the occurrence of blood clots and blood clots in the arteries and veins. Therefore, anyone who has a family history of this disease must constantly follow up with the doctor and undergo the necessary tests for that.
Therapeutic methods used to treat blood clotting
- One of the therapeutic methods used to treat blood clotting is chemotherapy to eliminate tissues that are malignant and have entered the blood vessels. In the event of secondary blood clotting occurring as a result of septicemia, it is treated by using antibiotics.
- In some rare cases, treatment is done with anticoagulants because it causes severe bleeding, in addition to the introduction of vitamin C, which is produced using genetic engineering.
- There are some ways to treat thrombosis with herbs, but first the patient should not eat fatty foods that contain harmful fats that cause high cholesterol and cause obesity.
- By eating ground ginger, where the ginger is soaked in boiling water and mixed with honey, or by placing the rosemary herb in boiling water and then drinking it morning and evening, the patient must drink plenty of water, eat fresh vegetables and fruits, and eat healthy, fat-free food.
- Blood clotting is treated by taking a drug that causes thinning, such as Calkisan, in the form of injections or pills taken orally for a year, and by constantly moving the legs.
- The sick person must avoid traveling long distances and avoid sitting for long periods without moving because it has a severe effect. He must wear blood clotting socks and wear comfortable, non-irritating, and tight clothing so as not to put pressure on the veins and arteries.
Blood clotting in pregnant women
- During the first three months of pregnancy, a pregnant woman may be exposed to blood clots, and also after childbirth, during the six weeks after the birth of the fetus. This is accompanied by many factors that increase the risk of blood clotting in the pregnant woman.
- Factors that increase the risk of blood clotting include a previous blood clot, a pregnant woman being overweight, a woman smoking, becoming pregnant after the age of thirty-five, and sitting for long periods of time without moving, especially when traveling.
- In addition to pregnancy with more than one child, the presence of hereditary factors that lead to blood clotting, or the pregnant woman being infected with diseases or infections that cause clotting, and in cases of cesarean section, clotting increases more than during natural birth.
- If a pregnant woman has a blood disorder, it may lead to a great risk to her health and the occurrence of many complications, such as miscarriage, death of the child in the mother’s womb before reaching twenty weeks, or stillbirth of the fetus after reaching twenty weeks.
- Premature birth for a pregnant woman, in which the birth takes place before reaching the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy, and pre-eclampsia can occur, which causes high blood pressure in the pregnant woman, severe headaches, protein in the urine, and vision disturbances.
- Or a blood clot occurs in the placenta and affects the passage of blood to the fetus, affecting the amount of food and oxygen needed for the growth of the fetus and causing its death.
In this topic, we discussed the normal analysis of platelets, the causes of increases and decreases in the number of platelets, blood clotting, its causes, methods of treatment, blood clotting in pregnant women, and its complications.
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