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What you do not know about cirrhosis of the liver is that it is a disease whose symptoms may not appear, and there are some patients who consider these symptoms to be specific to other diseases or incidental, and they do not think that they are the result of cirrhosis of the liver, and cirrhosis of the liver has many symptoms, and when these symptoms are present, the patient must Follow up with a doctor immediately, as these symptoms may be early symptoms. Liver cirrhosis can be stopped when they are discovered, by taking the appropriate types of treatment for the condition, but there are symptoms that are specific to the late stage of cirrhosis, and cirrhosis does not only affect the health of the liver, but also the rest of the organs. the body.
Degrees of liver cirrhosis
Liver cirrhosis does not occur all at once or suddenly, but it is known that it has many different degrees and stages that end in serious cirrhosis, which occurs in the final stage of the disease. These are the degrees of cirrhosis:
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1- The first stage
At this stage, the liver begins or harmful scar tissue begins to form in the liver, in very small or small amounts, and no symptoms appear on the affected person, nor does the affected person feel any impairment in his overall health.
2- The second stage
At this stage, scar tissue begins to spread and spread more in the liver, and this may begin to accompany some symptoms and appear on the patient, such as varicose veins, or recurring high blood pressure.
3- The third stage
In which the amount of tissue exposure to the presence of scars in the liver becomes very large in a dangerous and noticeable way, and this causes many symptoms to appear on the affected person, such as bloating and noticeable swelling in the abdominal area, as well as failure in all multiple liver functions.
4- The fourth stage
At this stage, the condition of liver cirrhosis becomes very dangerous, as this may cause the death of the patient, and here the patient needs an immediate liver transplant, otherwise he may die at any moment.
إقرأ أيضا:أعراض مرض الكوليرا وعلاجه – مقال انظر حولكWhat you don’t know about cirrhosis
Cirrhosis is the occurrence of damage to the liver tissue, which causes a general weakness in its performance of its known functions of expelling toxins from the body and secreting some enzymes useful for the digestive process.
Symptoms of liver cirrhosis
1- Early symptoms of liver cirrhosis
There are many symptoms that are considered early symptoms of cirrhosis, the most important of which are:
- Recurrent high blood pressure.
- Varicose veins.
Late symptoms of liver cirrhosis
As for the late symptoms of cirrhosis, they are as follows:
1- Abdominal swelling
- Cirrhosis is one of the most serious liver diseases that causes fluid accumulation in the abdomen, a condition that closely resembles ascites.
- Levels of albumin, protein, and fluids are also stored or accumulated in the blood, and this causes the patient to suffer from bloating and swelling.
- In many cases, there is swelling in the ankle, and fluids below the body are withdrawn.
- Sudden ascites or acute liver disease also occurs in chronic cases of cirrhosis, but early signs appear.
- It can be treated with a low-sodium diet and diuretics.
- In new cases, the fluid can be withdrawn through needles that are inserted into the stomach, but if this treatment does not respond, the case requires a liver transplant again.
2- Jaundice
- Which is observed through eyes that are yellow, or discolored skin, as this is a symptom of cirrhosis of the liver.
- Yellowing of the eyes is also a result of yellow pigment, which accumulates in the blood, and the liver also becomes unable to get rid of the body’s waste.
- It also causes burning with dark urine and light-colored stool, and high levels of bilirubin cause difficulty in alleviating the itching of the entire body.
- Severe cases also cause loss of brain function, especially in elderly patients, as they are misdiagnosed as being linked to Alzheimer’s and dementia.
- To treat jaundice associated with cirrhosis, the underlying medical condition must be addressed, while a healthy liver is permanently regenerated, and symptoms decrease once general liver function improves.
3- Abdominal pain
- When abdominal pain is felt, especially in the upper corner of the right side of the abdomen, and the lower right part of the rib cage, this is a sign of cirrhosis of the liver.
- This pain is sometimes accompanied by abdominal swelling, or what is known as ascites, and patients generally feel it as a constant palpitation in the abdomen, and it can be temporarily cured with medications.
- In fact, improper use of these medications may be behind the symptoms of abdominal pain, and it must be mentioned that liver diseases result from prolonged excessive use of some medications without being prescribed by a doctor, such as acetaminophen.
- These medications cause stomach disorders, which is considered a general side effect, and in the long term they cause chronic stomach pain.
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- You may notice that urine changes to dark yellow due to bilirubin levels that increase in the bloodstream inside the body.
- Since the liver is not able to get rid of secretions through the kidneys.
- Bilirubin is the bodily fluid produced through normal cell division of bile, and is thought to be an antioxidant.
- But excessive amounts cause obesity, which results in an uncontrolled reaction, nervousness, and uncontrolled eye movements, all of which cause high levels of bilirubin.
5- Skin irritation
- The skin irritation or rash that results from cirrhosis begins due to a lack of fluid flow in the body, which initially appears on the surface of the skin, and appears in the form of thick spots or itching and crusting.
- Liver diseases also cause other skin problems, including yellowing or redness of the skin of the feet, changes in skin color, and the color of the hands.
- In some cases, patients experience the appearance of veins through the skin, and if these symptoms appear accompanied by itching, they should go to the doctor.
- Liver problems can be checked for painless and simple tests.
6- Changes in stool
- Cirrhosis of the liver causes some changes in bowel movement, which are symptoms associated with constipation, changes in stool color, and irritable bowel syndrome.
- All of these symptoms appear together or only one of them appears, and in patients who suffer from special cases of liver cirrhosis that were not detected before and that have not been treated, constipation affects various bowel movements.
- The stool concentrates in the lower abdomen and becomes difficult to pass, while constipation is not permanent but occurs from time to time.
- But when it is chronic, the patient must know that there are problems, including irritable bowel syndrome, bouts of diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain.
- In general, patients with cirrhosis suffer from complete or permanent constipation and the color of the stool changes.
7- Nausea
- Nausea is one of the digestive problems facing a cirrhosis patient, as well as indigestion, acidity, and unexplained and justified vomiting, which is continuous.
- It indicates a liver problem, whereas when there are no problems in the intestines and stomach and vomiting occurs, this is a serious indicator, and they should be investigated carefully.
- As for patients who suffer from cirrhosis and constantly feel nauseous, they experience changes in nutritional coordination and digestion, due to a decrease in the body’s ability to eliminate and process toxins.
- When the patient returns to the main reason behind the recurrence of this nausea, it is a serious health problem and a doctor must be consulted.
8- Loss of appetite
- If you do not take specialized treatment for cirrhosis, the disease will progress and there will be early signs, including a change in appetite or loss.
- Significant changes are observed in the patient’s appetite over a long period, which often results in rapid weight loss.
- Also, this weight loss is one of the most important symptoms of cirrhosis, and this is evidence of the significant development of cirrhosis, which threatens the patient’s life, resulting in some problems of malnutrition.
- A person experiencing rapid weight loss should go for a diagnosis so that he can treat cirrhosis.
9- Exhaustion
- Another early symptom of cirrhosis is fatigue, where the patient feels mentally weak, chronic fatigue, and memory loss.
- Researchers have noted that exhaustion and fatigue are early signs of cirrhosis, and they also have a major devastating impact on the patient’s health and the way he performs all activities due to repeated feelings of fatigue and exhaustion.
- Doctors also believe that this is due to changes in brain chemistry, as well as changes in hormone levels that are produced due to liver dysfunction.
- In particular, the levels of corticosteroids and serotonin in seeds may be at depleted energy levels, and their change may be the reason.
- In this case, the liver cannot properly eliminate toxic substances in the blood.
10- Bruises
- The liver, as we know, produces protein enzymes, such as enzymes that prevent blood clotting. When the liver becomes cirrhotic, this function begins to disappear, and then changes occur in the skin.
- Specialized doctors state that when cirrhosis of the liver begins and the efficiency of its work decreases, it completely stops producing the necessary proteins that are of great importance in blood clotting, and the person becomes frequently exposed to bleeding and bruising.
Natural ways to treat liver cirrhosis
There are many chemical treatments that the doctor prescribes for a patient with cirrhosis, but there are also natural methods, ingredients, foods, plants, or herbs that can reduce the symptoms and seriousness of cirrhosis, and even treat the disease to a large extent. These methods include the following:
1- Curdled milk or buttermilk
Curdled milk helps relieve liver cirrhosis, and has a good effect on the body’s general health, especially digestion, by maintaining a healthy level of bacteria in the stomach.
How to use
1- You can drink buttermilk by mixing a cup of buttermilk with a teaspoon of cumin seeds.
2- This mixture is taken once daily to obtain better results and comfort for patients with cirrhosis.
2- Lemon juice
- According to Ayurvedic medicine, lemon juice provides relief from cirrhosis, and lemon has many benefits for digestion.
- Lemon juice also enhances the level of vitamin C in the body, but sugar should not be added to the juice because this causes indigestion.
How to use lemon to treat liver cirrhosis
1- You can squeeze half a lemon into a cup of water.
2- Add some salt as desired.
3- Drink the drink three times a day to get better results.
3- Spinach and carrot juice to treat liver cirrhosis
- Spinach and carrot juice has a magical and important effect on liver health, as spinach contains iron in large quantities, as well as vitamin K, B vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids.
- Carrots also contain iron in large quantities.
- These elements are important for combating liver cirrhosis, and they are also important for public health in general.
How to use spinach and carrot juice to treat liver cirrhosis
- Take a few carrots and spinach and wash them well.
- Place the carrots and spinach in the blender to mix them.
- Drink its juice, as carrot and spinach juice also works to remove toxins from the body daily, in addition to its effect in combating liver cirrhosis.
For best results in treating liver cirrhosis, drink the juice twice daily.
6- Papaya seeds to treat liver cirrhosis
- Papaya seeds have a lot of antioxidant properties, which help in boosting the immune system which speeds up the healing process.
- It also contains the enzyme papain, which has a role in breaking down protein, which works to reduce ammonia levels in the blood.
- It is also noted that papaya seeds help remove toxins from the liver, and because they are rich in vitamin B, which is known for its benefits to the liver.
- Lemon drops also work to strengthen the immune system because they contain vitamins A and E.
warningPregnant women should not eat papaya seeds
How to use papaya to treat liver cirrhosis
- The papaya seeds are ground until they turn into a fine powder.
- 10 drops of lemon water are added to the powder.
- The mixture is taken twice daily, for a month, to obtain the best results for treating liver cirrhosis.
7- Lentils to treat liver cirrhosis
- Lentils are an important treatment for liver disease, because they do not contain any fat and small amounts of calories and sodium.
- It also contains arginine, an amino acid that reduces blood ammonia levels.
How to use lentils to treat liver cirrhosis
- Take 50 grams of lentils.
- Boil 200 ml of water.
- Lentils are placed in water until cooked.
- The water is filtered.
- A little salt can be added to improve the flavour.
8- Fig leaves to treat liver cirrhosis
- Fig leaves contain a large amount of dietary fiber, which works to expel toxins from the body.
- It is also a natural laxative that is useful in treating liver cirrhosis.
- Fiber works to reduce the progression of the degree of fibrosis, and enhances the activity of antioxidants that speed up the healing process.
How to use fig leaves to treat liver cirrhosis
- Take 5 fig leaves, wash them well, and when dry, grind them.
- The sugar is then mixed into it.
- The mixture is placed in a cup of water.
- The mixture is taken twice daily.
Cirrhosis of the liver
- It is the last stage of cirrhosis, in which a large part of the liver has been damaged by the disease or the entire liver, and here there is no benefit from treatment.
- But a new liver can be transplanted instead as a quick solution to prevent death.
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At the end of the article about what you don’t know about cirrhosis, we have explained everything you don’t know about cirrhosis, so you can now know all the symptoms of the disease, as well as natural treatment methods, and the stages of cirrhosis.