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What is diagnostic cardiac catheterization? Recently, treatment methods for heart diseases have been invented, and among these methods we will talk about cardiac catheterization and its benefit in treating heart diseases.
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What is diagnostic cardiac catheterization?
- Cardiac catheterization is a procedure used by doctors to treat and diagnose some heart diseases and some blood vessel diseases as well.
- Cardiac catheterization is also a procedure performed by doctors specializing in cardiovascular diseases in order to evaluate the work of the heart and monitor its proper and periodic functioning.
- Performing a cardiac catheterization also limits doctors in knowing the extent of the heart’s ability to pump blood and measuring the health of the heart and its veins.
- Cardiac catheterization is also used to evaluate the proper rate of blood flow from the heart to the body.
- Using diagnostic cardiac catheterization, doctors can also perform tests that diagnose diseases of both the coronary artery and the aorta.
- Cardiac catheterization can also treat heart diseases, examples of which include coronary stent grafting and coronary angioplasty.
Reason for cardiac catheterization
- Cardiac catheterization is performed so that the doctor can determine whether there is a heart problem or not.
- Cardiac catheterization is performed in order to determine the location of blockage or narrowing of the blood vessels that sometimes cause chest pain.
- This is known in the medical community as an angiogram.
- Doctors also use cardiac catheterization to measure oxygen rates and pressure in various parts of the human heart. Doctors call this a hemodynamic assessment.
- Doctors also use diagnostic catheterization to confirm the heart’s pumping function. This is called a picture of the left ventricle and the right ventricle.
- A diagnostic catheter is used to take a sample of heart tissue, and doctors call this a biopsy.
- Cardiac catheterization is also used to diagnose heart diseases that have been present since birth, and this is known to doctors as congenital heart defects.
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterization also shows problems with the valve inside the heart.
- Cardiac catheterization is also used to place or not place coronary heart stents.
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterization also contributes to treating and expanding the guest artery.
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterization is also used to close holes in the heart and repair birth defects.
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterization also plays a role in replacing or repairing damaged heart valves.
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterization is also used to open narrow valves in the heart.
- It has a major role in treating arrhythmia through ablation operations.
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterization is also used to close off part of the heart to prevent blood clots.
Risks of cardiac catheterization for humans
- Risk factors for diagnostic cardiac catheterization are very rare and the risk is increased in two cases.
- If the person performing the catheterization is a kidney or diabetic patient or is over seventy-two years of age.
- One of the risks that may occur when performing a diagnostic heart catheterization is irregular heartbeat.
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterization can also tear the heart tissue and expose it to lacerations.
- When performing a diagnostic heart catheterization, a slight drop in blood pressure may occur.
- Damage may occur to the blood vessel through which the diagnostic cardiac catheterization tube passed.
- Blood clots may occur during cardiac catheterization, which can lead to strokes and severe heart attacks.
- Sometimes during diagnostic cardiac catheterization, allergic reactions occur from the human body towards the materials used in cardiac catheterization.
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterization is a major cause of bleeding during its procedure.
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterization can transmit diseases from one person to another.
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterization also damages the arteries, damages the heart, or can damage the area where the catheter was inserted.
- Cardiac catheterization can also lead to general damage to kidney function.
- It also plays a major role in the occurrence of bruises and swelling at the place where the tube is inserted for catheterization.
How to prepare for cardiac catheterization
- The patient must not have eaten or drank anything six hours before the catheterization procedure.
- The presence of drink or food in the patient’s stomach increases the risk rates and the occurrence of disease complications during anesthesia.
- Therefore, you must consult your physician about the possibility of taking any food or medication.
- One of the measures that must be taken into consideration is that if the person performing the catheterization procedure has diabetes, he must consult a doctor about instructions for his insulin and medications.
- Anyone performing a diagnostic cardiac catheterization must stop taking blood-thinning medications such as lobexaban and aspirin.
- The person performing the catheterization procedure must inform the doctor of the medications he took and the doses to prevent any complications.
1- Necessary precautions taken before diagnostic cardiac catheterization
- Before performing cardiac catheterization, the patient’s oxygen, blood pressure, and pulse are checked.
- Before performing a diagnostic cardiac catheterization, the patient must also enter the toilet so that the patient can empty his bladder.
- When performing a diagnostic heart catheterization, jewelry must also be removed and dentures, such as braces, removed.
- Any possessions made of iron must also be removed because iron interferes with heart diagnostic images during examinations.
2- Necessary precautions while performing diagnostic catheterization
- Cardiac catheterization is performed in special operating rooms with X-ray and imaging machines.
- There will also be a laboratory for cardiac catheterization, which will be sterilized with high-tech sterilization devices.
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterization is performed while the patient is awake but under local anesthesia.
- There are some procedures that are performed when catheterization is performed, such as valve replacement, removal, or repair.
- IV lines are also inserted into the patient’s hands or arms, which are later used to take additional medications that doctors may need during the procedure.
- The patient also has an electrode display device that is placed in the patient’s chest to check heart rates.
- Before performing the catheterization procedure, the nurse cuts the hair at the place where the catheter will be inserted.
- Before the catheter is inserted into the patient’s artery, he takes an anesthetic injection to numb that area.
- After the catheter is inserted, a small cut is made so that doctors can access the arteries.
- A plastic sheath is inserted so that the doctor can insert the catheter.
3- Necessary precautions after diagnostic cardiac catheterization
- The patient waits several hours in the recovery room after completing the operation until the patient wakes up from anesthesia.
- The nurse removes the plastic sheath located in the arm, thigh, or neck shortly after the catheterization procedure.
- After several hours have passed, the patient is in the recovery room, he is transferred to a regular room in the hospital.
- After removing the catheter, the nurse or technician removes the plastic sheath and the technician applies pressure on the insertion site to see if there is bleeding or not.
- If the catheterization procedure is performed in the thigh, the patient must lie relaxed for a number of hours to avoid the risk of bleeding.
- You can eat food and drinks after the procedure, but in small quantities.
- The catheterization patient can go home on the same day.
- Upon completion of the procedure, the patient takes a deep breath and places his arms in different areas of the body to know whether there is pain or not.
- The doctor uses a natural procedure, which is to tilt the bed with the patient often to measure blood pressure and oxygen levels
Forms and conditions of cardiac catheterization in the body
- If the cardiac catheterization is performed for coronary angiography to detect blockages in the heart arteries, then a dye is injected into the catheter.
- X-ray imaging of the heart’s vessels and arteries is performed.
- When performing coronary angiography, a catheter is placed in the wrist or thigh.
- If the cardiac catheterization is for the heart on the right side to check the blood pressure and the continuity of its flow to the right, then the catheter is inserted into a vein in the neck or thigh.
- When the catheter is inserted into the artery, it measures pressure and blood flow, as the catheter has a special sensor to do this.
- When performing a biopsy, the catheter is placed in the cervical vein, and sometimes it can be placed in the thigh.
- Here, the catheter makes a small cut in the heart tissue and takes a sample from it.
- Cardiac biopsy is the only type of cardiac catheterization in which the patient feels pain.
- When performing balloon angioplasty, the doctor inserts the catheter into the thigh or usually into the wrist.
- This procedure is used to widen narrowed arteries in or near the heart.
- In cardiac angioplasty, doctors may use stents.
- When a cardiac catheter is inserted during angioplasty, the catheter is threaded elastically through the arteries until it reaches the guest artery.
- A smaller balloon catheter is then inserted and inflated into the narrowed artery until it opens.
- If the balloon catheter in angioplasty is not flexible, stents are used.
- When repairing congenital heart defects, a catheter is placed in the groin vein and neck artery. In cases of perforation, for example, a small tool is inserted to plug that hole.
- In the case of repairing a leaky heart valve, the doctor uses a flexible plug or elastic clip to stop the leak.
- In the case of balloon valvuloplasty, the form of catheter placement is determined according to the patient’s valve problem.
- Sometimes the catheter is tied across the valve and the balloon is inflated, thus opening the valve easily.
- In cases of valve replacement, an artificial valve is implanted in the heart to replace the narrowed valve in the heart.
- In cases of complete heart resection, a catheter is placed in the veins and arteries of the thigh or the veins and arteries of the neck.
Results of diagnostic cardiac catheterization
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterization results in the opening of the arteries leading to the heart, thus making the heart function properly.
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterization also results in controlling blood pumping and pressure from it to the entire body.
- Catheter plasty results in widening of the arteries, which leads to the heart performing its functions correctly and soundly.
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterization also ensures that the valves in the heart work well and perform their tasks.
- Cardiac catheterization also results in the elimination of congenital heart defects.
Ages of those who can perform diagnostic cardiac catheterization
- It is preferable that the age of people who perform diagnostic cardiac catheterization be between twenty and thirty-two.
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterizations are also successful in those between the ages of thirty and fifty.
- As for ages above fifty and below twenty, they cause very major problems and result in heart disease.
Types of catheterization in the heart
The first type
- Diagnostic catheterization, which is the subject of our discussion, can take a period of time ranging from ten minutes to half an hour.
- The diagnostic catheterization patient remains in the hospital six hours or more after the catheterization procedure.
The second type
- The second type is the therapeutic catheter, its duration of action ranges from ten minutes to several consecutive hours.
- Therapeutic catheterization is more difficult than diagnostic catheterization as it has multiple and chronic complications.
How to perform a diagnostic cardiac catheterization procedure
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterization is performed by inserting a long, thin tube into a blood vessel, whether in the arm area, groin area, or neck.
- This tube makes its way into the blood vessel, but very carefully, until it reaches the heart.
- When this tube reaches the desired location, the doctor performs diagnostic tests for the patient.
- Sometimes the tube may be injected with a specific medical dye that allows the treating physician to see anything inside the heart, such as the ventricle or blood vessels, but with greater accuracy.
Factors on which the success of diagnostic cardiac catheterization depends
There are several factors that affect diagnostic catheterization, including patient-related factors such as:
إقرأ أيضا:أهم المشروبات المفيدة لتنظيف الكبد انظر حولك- The patient’s age and psychological condition that affect the patient negatively or positively during his admission for diagnostic catheterization.
- The extent of the disease and the amount of atherosclerosis are important factors on which the success of the diagnostic cardiac catheterization procedure depends.
- There are also medical factors on which the success of the cardiac catheterization process depends, such as the medical tools used in the catheterization.
- Experience of the medical elite performing cardiac catheterization.
- The extent of the doctor’s knowledge of the patient’s condition.
Benefits of undergoing diagnostic cardiac catheterization
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterization helps identify and diagnose heart problems, such as strokes and acute heart attacks.
- It also helps in knowing the amount of pressure in the heart and the percentage of oxygen that may reach the arteries and vessels of the heart.
- Diagnostic cardiac catheterization also helps identify obstructive diseases of various blood vessels and helps in getting rid of them.
- It also helps in knowing the extent to which the coronary artery is functioning and performing its functions, and identifying any problems that occur in it and treating them.
- It also helps in imaging the heart completely and treating diseases that occur in it.
- Through diagnostic cardiac catheterization, the work rates of the right and left ventricles can also be determined separately in the heart.
The length of time the patient spends after the diagnostic cardiac catheterization procedure
- The patient’s time periods vary from time to time.
- If the diagnostic cardiac catheterization is in the groin area, the patient must take a rest for a period ranging between six to eight hours.
- However, if the cardiac catheterization is performed on the patient in the wrist area, the patient can leave the hospital after the catheterization period and go to the recovery room and then go directly to his home.
- That is, in the cardiac catheterization procedure performed on the wrist, the period that the patient spends in the hospital is three hours.
- However, if the cardiac catheterization procedure is performed through the neck area, then the time that the patient spends in the hospital after the operation is two hours.
We have previously learned about what is diagnostic cardiac catheterization? Where diagnostic cardiac catheterization is and how it treats heart diseases and its benefits. Therefore, we must protect ourselves from everything that harms us or causes us any chronic diseases.
إقرأ أيضا:أعراض داء الملوك وعلاجه – مقال انظر حولك