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مشروبات تخفض الضغط والكوليسترول – مقال انظر حولك

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Drinks that reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. One of the most dangerous things a person is exposed to is high blood pressure and an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, as the person is exposed to complications as a result of this excessive increase. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss everything related to drinks that reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.

What is cholesterol?

  • Cholesterol is present in the body at normal rates, as it helps build the body’s cells. It is a waxy substance that, if increased in the body, causes serious harm to human health.
  • The level of cholesterol in the blood rises to high levels, which can threaten the patient’s life and cause heart attacks or, God forbid, a stroke.
  • You can undergo a blood test to determine the level of cholesterol in the blood, as it generally does not have symptoms except at an advanced stage.

Cholesterol-lowering drinks

High cholesterol in the blood can be eliminated by using some drinks that have proven effective in lowering the level of cholesterol in the body:

إقرأ أيضا:مشروبات ترفع الضغط المنخفض – مقال انظر حولك

1- Sugarcane juice

  • One of the best natural drinks that eliminates harmful cholesterol and restores its levels to normal.
  • Women should drink a lot of cane juice, because they are at risk of developing cholesterol after going through menopause.

2- Green tea

  • Its benefits are countless, as it contains a high percentage of antioxidants that affect high levels of cholesterol in the blood.
  • It is known that green tea is relied upon as a fat burner when following a healthy diet.

3- The ring

Fenugreek drink works to absorb fats, especially in the intestinal area, which automatically reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.

4- Cinnamon

  • It is a natural substance that has an effective effect on harmful cholesterol in the body. You can drink a cup of cinnamon drink daily before breakfast, or during the day.
  • Cinnamon works to target fats stored inside blood vessels and body cells, making their burning rate high and thus the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases.

5- Mint

It has a good effect on the digestive system, as it improves stomach function and works to treat indigestion. Through some enzymes that mint stimulates, the cholesterol level will decrease.

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Natural recipes for treating cholesterol

You can get rid of harmful cholesterol by preparing a drink that gets rid of excess fat. Once the fat is burned, the level of cholesterol in the blood returns to the normal level in the body:

1- Recipe ingredients

  • 4 cinnamon sticks.
  • A cup of water.
  • A spoonful of flaxseed powder.

2- Preparation method

  1. We put cinnamon and flaxseed powder in a pot and add water to them, then put the pot on the fire and leave it until it boils for five minutes.
  2. Leave the drink to cool and filter it. A person suffering from cholesterol should drink this drink half an hour after the main meals.
  3. Fat burning rates will increase, fat will be eliminated and cholesterol levels will be adjusted.

Important tips to reduce blood cholesterol

There are some wrong behaviors that help increase the level of cholesterol in the blood and expose the sick person to serious complications and symptoms. Therefore, we will present some habits that patients can avoid with high levels of cholesterol in the body:

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1- Treatment of morbid obesity

  • It has been found that people who suffer from excessive body weight are the ones most exposed to high blood cholesterol, so a healthy diet must be followed to lose weight safely.
  • You must rely on a healthy, fat-free diet after losing weight so that the level of cholesterol in the blood does not rise again.

2- Movement and effort

  • Lack of movement and inactivity lead to the appearance of harmful cholesterol in the blood significantly. Therefore, it is possible to practice some simple exercises, such as walking in the open air, to rejuvenate and stimulate heart movement and blood circulation, which helps lower cholesterol.
  • You can do some simple home exercises to stimulate the body to burn fat as a result of making an effort to obtain energy.

3- Healthy fats

  • As we know, the body needs fats just as it needs any element or mineral, but not all fats are suitable for those who suffer from high cholesterol levels.
  • You should reduce the consumption of meat that contains fat and not eat chicken with the skin, as it contains a percentage of fat.
  • Palm oil and full-fat cheese should be avoided so as not to increase the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Harmful fats are replaced by eating nuts, vegetable oils and avocados.
  • Eat salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines, as the fats in these foods are harmless and provide the body with its needs.

4- Stay away from vegetable ghee

A patient with high cholesterol should not take the risk of eating vegetable ghee in his food, as this fat causes a frightening rise in cholesterol levels.

5- Eat fiber

  • Dietary fiber in all its forms, whether soluble dietary fiber or insoluble dietary fiber, both are beneficial for the body and for lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Dietary fiber can be obtained through some fruits, such as plums, apples, and pears. You can also eat oats, whole grains, and beans to obtain that fiber.

6- Cinnamon coffee drink

Doctors have proven that this mixture is effective in getting rid of harmful cholesterol. You can drink a cup of this mixture every day to reduce cholesterol naturally.

Side effects for cholesterol patients

  • Through some physical changes that occur in a sick person, it is possible to confirm that he has high cholesterol. These symptoms are:
  • Feeling severe chest pain, as there is a strong relationship between angina and high levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood.
  • You may feel nauseous and tend to vomit, as a person eating fatty meals causes imbalances and disturbances in the function of the stomach and intestines.
  • Stress, feeling lethargic and tired when making any effort, due to the negative effect of cholesterol on the function of the thyroid gland, which leads to an imbalance in the hormones it produces.
  • Feeling short of breath as a result of blood vessels being clogged with fat, which affects the normal movement of blood, thus not enough oxygen and nutrients reach the body.
  • Exposure to high blood pressure is an indicator of high blood cholesterol.
  • Excessive weight of a person is conclusive evidence of cholesterol and high blood pressure.
  • Smokers are the group most at risk of developing high blood cholesterol levels.
  • The genetic factor: It has been found that it is possible to develop high levels of cholesterol in the blood when a first-degree relative is affected.

What is blood pressure

  • Blood pressure is defined as the force of blood flowing inside the blood vessels, so that food and oxygen are delivered to all cells of the body. Normally, the normal pressure for any human being is less than 120/80 mmHg.
  • High blood pressure can be determined using blood pressure measuring devices, and the measurement usually ranges between 120 to 190 mmHg, so the patient must periodically monitor his blood pressure and visit a doctor.

Drinks that lower blood pressure

High blood pressure can be reduced by choosing one of the following drinks to reduce high blood pressure naturally:

1- Low-fat milk

Milk is one of the drinks that helps lower blood pressure because it contains vitamin D and calcium. The rate of reducing blood pressure when drinking milk is 13%.

2- Hibiscus

It is a beverage that contains many elements that can lower high blood pressure, as chemicals are extracted from it and presented in the form of a drug to treat high blood pressure.

3- Pomegranate

It is one of the magic drinks that works to reduce high blood pressure, because it contains a high percentage of iron, which works to reduce blood pressure by 36%. Pomegranate must be consumed three times a day to get the desired result.

4- Beets

Beets help control the level of blood pressure in the body, so it is preferable to make beet juice and drink it to obtain its great benefits.

5- Tomato juice

Tomato juice can be prepared without adding anything to it and consumed to lower blood pressure.

6- Olive oil

The body’s fat needs can be obtained by eating olive oil, as it contains bilephenol, a substance that helps reduce blood pressure in the body.

7- Drink water

You must get plenty of water every day, as exposure to dehydration causes high blood pressure, so this problem can be avoided by drinking at least two liters of water every day.

Life habits that help lower blood pressure

By modifying the lifestyle behavior of a person suffering from high blood pressure, he can control its high blood pressure and avoid its side effects with ease. Below we will explain these habits:

1- Walking

  • Perhaps you, dear reader, do not realize the importance of regular movement of the heart. Walking strengthens the heart muscle, makes it work with all its efficiency, and pumps blood better in the body, which keeps blood pressure at its normal level.
  • Doing this inexpensive exercise for at least half an hour every day is enough to control your blood pressure.

2- Reduce salt

  • There is a strong relationship between excess sodium, or salt as it is called, and high blood pressure. Salt in food can be reduced or replaced with herbs and spices.
  • When the level of sodium in the body is reduced, high blood pressure will automatically occur.

3- Increase potassium

  • Potassium is one of the minerals that helps the body eliminate sodium, which reduces blood vessel pressure. It is preferable to rely on vegetables and fruits rich in potassium, which are:
  • All leafy vegetables, potatoes, tomatoes and yams.
  • Yogurt and milk are among the materials that contain the highest percentage of potassium.
  • Salmon and tuna are a natural source of a large percentage of potassium.
  • Beans are a food that increases the percentage of potassium in the body.
  • Nuts of all kinds are rich in potassium, such as raisins and almonds.
  • Some fruits rich in potassium can be eaten as an adjuvant treatment to reduce blood pressure, such as figs, apricots, peaches, oranges, and bananas.
  • Excess calcium
  • The level of calcium in the blood has been linked to high blood pressure. The less calcium in the body, the higher the blood pressure.
  • An adult must obtain 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily through a comprehensive diet.
  • The need for calcium increases with age, as it was found that men after the age of 70 need more calcium, as well as women after the age of 50. They obtain 1,200 milligrams of calcium every day to help lower blood pressure.
  • Calcium is found in its natural form in dairy products and fresh leafy vegetables.
  • Calcium is also found in peas, beans, broccoli and celery.
  • Some types of fish also contain high levels of calcium, such as salmon.

4- Do not drink too much coffee

  • Caffeine and its relationship to blood pressure: whenever a person with high blood pressure consumes large amounts of coffee, this leads to a significant increase in his blood pressure.
  • Moderation is the root of everything, and drinking a little coffee can protect against heart disease and vascular disease.

5- Dark chocolate or cocoa powder

  • It is a type of chocolate that contains flavonoids, which are responsible for dilating blood vessels in the body, which leads to reducing blood pressure.
  • Dark chocolate can be replaced with cocoa, as it is also rich in this substance, and its price is affordable for everyone and an effective treatment for high blood pressure patients.

6- Reducing weight

  • There is a close relationship between excess body weight and high blood pressure, as obesity causes a large burden on the body, leading to high blood pressure.
  • You can follow a diet under the supervision of a doctor to get rid of excess weight and replace the body with minerals that help lower blood pressure.

7- Stay away from starches and sugar

Excessive consumption of sugar and starches automatically leads to high blood pressure, so a patient with high blood pressure must stay away from eating bread and pasta in large quantities, as they turn into sugary substances.

8- Refrain from smoking

Smoking is one of the most dangerous things that affects the heart and makes it susceptible to heart attacks. It also affects the blood vessels and makes blood pressure rise.

9- Increase magnesium

  • Magnesium is a very important mineral for the human body. It helps reduce high blood pressure in addition to improving the body’s cells.
  • Pregnant women can rely on it to treat high blood pressure through some foods rich in it, such as cashews and walnuts.
  • Magnesium is found in high levels of salmon, halibut, and oysters.
  • Magnesium to reduce high blood pressure can be obtained from broccoli, oats, okra, and brown bread.

The relationship between high blood pressure and cholesterol

As we mentioned, there are factors that help raise blood pressure and increase the level of cholesterol in the blood. What is the relationship between them:

  • Some people believe that high blood pressure leads to high cholesterol, but the opposite is true.
  • Cholesterol is an excessive amount of fat, which causes it to be deposited inside the blood vessels, which reduces the normal movement of blood.
  • The blood vessels are affected, causing them to shrink in an attempt to deliver blood loaded with nutrients and oxygen to the various cells of the body, which leads to high blood pressure.
  • In order for the patient with high blood pressure to be able to effectively treat it, he must first change his dietary pattern.
  • The primary goal of a hypertensive patient is to burn stored fat by following some diets and drinking drinks that lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • There are common drinks that reduce high blood pressure and help get rid of harmful cholesterol.

Tips to relieve stress

  • You must follow up with a specialist doctor to avoid complications affecting the heart as a result of high cholesterol and high blood pressure as a result.
  • You must commit to exercising every day in order to lose excess weight and reduce pressure on the blood vessels.
  • Taking medications to treat high blood pressure and high cholesterol can be replaced by drinking drinks that lower blood pressure and cholesterol, before the matter gets worse and side effects occur to the patient.

Moderation in lifestyle behavior can be an ideal solution for these patients. Half of the treatment is avoiding fatty substances, which cause a huge amount of fat to be stored inside the cells and blood vessels. Exercising and following a diet to reduce weight are an effective treatment for getting rid of high pressure and harmful cholesterol.

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