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Mitral valve regurgitation and marriage may have a strong relationship because any heart problem exposes the heart valves to damage.
This can affect the person and make him need special care, especially for women, so it is necessary if you feel any symptoms of mitral valve regurgitation.
We must go immediately to visit a specialist doctor in order to determine the condition and receive the appropriate treatment, especially before embarking on marriage, so follow our always distinguished website, the article mqall.org.
What is meant by mitral valve?
In order to know the relationship between mitral valve regurgitation and marriage, we must know what the mitral valve is, as it is as follows:
- The mitral valve is one of the four heart valves and is called the mitral valve.
- The length of this valve starts from 4 to 6 cm².
- It is located on the left side of the heart, where it is located between the left atrium and the left ventricle.
- The mitral valve has an important function, as it is responsible for the entry of oxygenated blood into the heart.
- Through the left atrium to the left ventricle.
- When mitral valve regurgitation occurs, it not only affects the heart, but also affects all parts of the body.
Read also: Where are the valves located in the body?
إقرأ أيضا:انتفاخ في الجهة اليسرى من القفص الصدري انظر حولكHow the mitral valve works
The heart consists of four main valves, each of which has an important function to perform, including the mitral valve or mitral valve.
It is a valve that performs its work inside the heart, where it works as follows:
- The mitral valve is an intermediate between the lungs and the left atrium, as it loads oxygenated blood from the lungs into the left atrium.
- When it is filled with blood, the mitral valve opens, allowing the remaining blood to pass into the left ventricle.
- When the left ventricle is also filled with blood, the mitral valve closes, so that blood does not return again to the left atrium.
- Despite the small size of the mitral valve, it plays a very important role in maintaining blood flow in one direction.
What is meant by mitral valve regurgitation?
When the mitral valve is damaged, it stops performing its basic function, resulting in mitral valve regurgitation, which is known as the following:
- If the mitral valve inside the heart does not close well, it causes blood to reflux again after it was flowing in only one direction.
- The mitral valve was closed so that blood did not flow back in the opposite direction.
- But when the mitral valve does not close, the blood returns back to the right atrium from the left atrium.
- This is known as mitral valve regurgitation.
- When this happens, many symptoms may appear, which indicate that the person has mitral valve regurgitation, which affects the functioning of the heart.
- Which affects the rest of the body’s organs, in addition to irregular heartbeats in its normal form.
Mitral valve regurgitation and marriage
- There is a relationship between mitral valve regurgitation and marriage, as having this condition.
- Whether male or female, there may be a danger to any of them, especially women.
- Because it affects the work of the heart, as the blood does not follow its normal path.
- But there are some tips for patients with mitral valve regurgitation, which depend on the degree of valve regurgitation.
- Because it may be simple, the most important of these tips are the following:
- Advice varies depending on the gender of the person, whether male or female.
- The effect of the mitral valve is not significant on men, as it may not require surgical intervention.
- Where treatment is in the form of some simple medications.
- However, if it is proven that the valve does not require medical attention, it is possible for the person to live his normal life by getting married.
- If mitral valve regurgitation does not cause heart disorders or other blood vessel disorders.
- Which includes inflammation of the lining of the heart and no other complications. Here, marriage is not an obstacle.
- For women, the matter is different from one woman to another, and she must follow up with her doctor before becoming pregnant.
- And the extent to which pregnancy affects her condition.
Mitral valve regurgitation and pregnancy
Mitral valve regurgitation and marriage are among the severe problems that can affect pregnancy, but if the matter is simple.
إقرأ أيضا:علاج التهاب أعصاب الأصابع – مقال انظر حولكIt only requires some simple treatments and rest, but if the condition is neglected or the condition is bad, it may affect the mother during pregnancy as follows:
- If the injury is a valve leak, the doctor must be followed up continuously.
- And follow up on the condition of the fetus if there is a pregnancy so that the mother is safe during childbirth
- If there is mitral valve stenosis, the condition may vary depending on the size of the valve stenosis.
- Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor and know the health condition of women, before pregnancy occurs, and it is necessary to take medications correctly.
- This is because it is possible for the doctor to decide to intervene in treatment through cardiac catheterization or surgical intervention through valve replacement.
- There are sometimes serious complications that also affect the wife, such as an irregular heartbeat or inflammation of the lining of the heart.
- Here it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor to confirm the condition of the valve.
- Here, the doctor may prescribe not to become pregnant until after surgery until mitral valve regurgitation is treated.
- So that you do not suffer from any heart complications.
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إقرأ أيضا:فوائد كوجينتول Cogintol للشلل الرعاش ودواعي الاستعمال انظر حولكSymptoms of mitral valve regurgitation
At the beginning of mitral valve regurgitation, there may be no symptoms, or the symptoms may be mild.
It may be similar to the symptoms of other diseases, including the following:
- A feeling of discomfort in the chest area, especially towards the heart.
- Occurrence of irregular heartbeat.
- Feeling extremely tired for no apparent reason.
- The feeling of not breathing normally when a person is exposed to great physical exertion.
- Heart attacks occur.
- Swollen feet.
- These symptoms are similar to those of weak heart muscle, and the condition cannot be properly diagnosed.
- Only after undergoing the best doctors specializing in this matter.
Causes of mitral valve regurgitation
- The heart has four valves that help blood flow to and from the heart properly, and they are the mitral or mitral valve.
- The pulmonary valve, aortic valve, and tricuspid valve.
- Each of them consists of cusps that close and open when each heartbeat occurs, but when a person suffers from mitral valve regurgitation.
- There are some reasons that lead to this.
Damage to tissue cords
- The mitral valve is located on the wall of the heart and is attached to cords of tissue, but as a person ages, this tissue can become damaged.
- Which causes blood to leave the valve to other chambers of the heart in a direction other than the direction of blood flow.
- But if the matter is neglected and the patient does not receive appropriate treatment, damage or rupture of these tissues may occur.
- Which requires this patient to undergo surgery on this valve.
Inflammation of the lining of the heart occurs when this lining becomes infected with bacteria or germs enter.
Which reduces the efficiency of this valve, and it cannot perform its tasks and may even harm human life.
Mitral valve prolapse
Mitral or mitral valve prolapse is one of the most common causes of mitral valve regurgitation.
It happens here that the valve cusps protrude into the left atrium when the heart contracts.
- When a person suffers from diseases or is exposed to high blood pressure, this greatly affects the work of the heart.
- As it increases the effort of the heart so that the blood reaches all parts of the body, this action leads to enlargement of the heart chambers.
- Especially in the left atrium.
- When it swells, it puts pressure on the mitral valve, leading to its weakness or retraction, depending on the degree of inflation.
Rheumatic fever
- It is an infection that affects humans, as a result of exposure to a certain type of bacteria that infects the throat.
- It is often possible for a person to develop rheumatic fever, especially in children.
- Their age ranges from five to 15 years.
- Here, these bacteria can infect heart cells, leading to weakness of the heart muscle and narrowing of these valves.
Congenital heart defects
- When children are born, it is possible that they will be born with a congenital heart defect, but it may be treated and in return they will have another life.
- You need surgical intervention, including a hole in the heart or a narrowing of one of the heart valves.
- If symptoms appear that indicate that the child has mitral valve regurgitation, it is necessary to visit a specialist doctor quickly.
- So that the child receives appropriate treatment and follows the advice and instructions for these patients.
Having a heart attack
- If a person suffers a heart attack, it has a major impact on the heart’s functioning, depending on the degree of the attack.
- In addition to a lot about the work of the mitral valve.
- Which leads to reflux or looseness in it.
Taking some types of medications
- When a person feels pain or is exposed to any disease, he must not take any medication without consulting a doctor.
- Because every patient and every medical condition needs instructions and appropriate doses of medication.
- When taking the wrong medications, it may affect the heart valves.
- Especially medications that contain ergotamine, which is used to treat migraines.
Tips for patients with mitral valve regurgitation
When a person suffers from mitral valve regurgitation, a doctor must be consulted in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
And not to be exposed to any effort so as not to affect the health of the heart, in addition to some other tips, which are as follows:
- Avoid eating foods that contain a large percentage of triglycerides that are not beneficial to the body.
- Take doses of blood pressure medication at the specified time in order to maintain the correct blood pressure level.
- Maintain ideal weight.
- Avoid exposure to infections of the lining of the heart, and when visiting the dentist, you must take antibiotics.
- To get rid of any germs or bacteria.
- Avoid eating sugars, eat healthy foods such as fruits, and reduce salt while eating.
- Always visit a doctor who specializes in heart valves to ensure the health of the heart.
- Do some simple physical activities and do not do strenuous exercise.
- Completely abstain from smoking.
Risk factors for mitral valve regurgitation
There are some serious factors that help increase mitral valve regurgitation, so they must be taken into consideration and not neglected. These factors include the following:
- Not taking high blood pressure medication at the specified times, which helps to increase blood pressure, which affects the mitral valve.
- There is a family history of heart valve disease, especially mitral valve regurgitation or stenosis.
- Previous exposure to heart attacks.
- As a person ages, the tissue in the mitral valve weakens
- Which leads to reflux or narrowing of this valve.
Methods of diagnosing mitral valve regurgitation
If you suffer from mitral valve regurgitation, you must go to heart valve doctors with great experience.
This is because its symptoms are similar to the symptoms of other diseases, so it is diagnosed by doctors through some rumours, analyzes and medical examinations, including the following:
- The patient has an echocardiogram.
- Chest imaging using X-rays.
- Also do a computed tomography of the heart, which is called CT.
- Cardiac MRI.
- Performing a cardiac catheterization, which is a diagnostic catheterization.
- Doing cardio exercises and stress tests.
- After performing all these tests, the degree of narrowing or regurgitation of the mitral valve will be determined
- So that the patient can receive important advice from the doctor and take appropriate treatment.
Treatment of mitral valve stenosis or regurgitation
When the patient’s condition is diagnosed, and it is confirmed that there is stenosis or regurgitation in the mitral valve, the doctor determines the appropriate method of treatment.
Depending on the severity of the infection, this is to control the condition and not increase the symptoms, and it is possible for treatment to be in more than one way.
Treatment with medications
In some cases, the doctor prescribes medications to treat mitral valve regurgitation, and they depend on the patient’s condition. The medications are as follows:
These medications are used to prevent heart clots, as a result of blood returning again in a direction opposite to the normal direction.
It also works to treat atrial fibrillation, which occurs due to mitral valve regurgitation.
- It is one of the most commonly used medications to treat high blood pressure, as it helps reduce fluid accumulation.
- Especially in the area of the feet and lungs.
- This reduces shortness of breath, which is one of the most common symptoms of mitral valve regurgitation.
Treatment of high blood pressure
- A person suffers from high blood pressure, as it increases the work of the heart, which puts pressure on the mitral valve and leads to reflux.
- Therefore, blood pressure must be maintained in its normal form.
- By taking medications to treat high blood pressure.
Surgical treatment
- After carrying out all the tests, rumors and examinations, and it became clear that the condition here is severe, the doctor prefers surgical intervention.
- To treat mitral valve stenosis or regurgitation.
- Depending on the condition and its severity, it can be treated through therapeutic catheterization without surgical intervention.
See also: Median mitral valve regurgitation and methods of treating it
Hence, we have learned about mitral valve regurgitation and marriage. We have also learned about treatment methods, risk factors, and the most important advice for patients with valve regurgitation. May you be well.