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Treatment of gluten allergy in adults. Gluten is one of many substances that may cause an allergy to the digestive system, causing symptoms accompanied by fatigue and extreme fatigue. What is gluten, what is its allergy, symptoms, causes, and methods of prevention and treatment, this is what we will learn in this article.
What is gluten sensitivity?
- Gluten is one of the protein substances found in barley and wheat. It is difficult for some people to digest, especially if they suffer from an allergy to it. This allergy is a type of digestive disorder that leads to damage to the small intestine when consuming gluten.
- Gluten allergy is defined as an allergic reaction of the immune system, which occurs when eating food containing wheat, or when inhaling any wheat flour.
- Gluten allergy occurs when the immune system produces antibodies against the gluten protein found in wheat, and the immune system may also produce abnormal reactions.
- People with this allergy constitute 0.5% to 13% of the population, according to two studies published in the Department of Modern Gastroenterology. The symptoms of gluten sensitivity are like other symptoms of digestive disorders, and what distinguishes them is that they are less dangerous.
- It is recommended to avoid eating wheat and foods that contain it, to prevent and treat this allergy, but this seems difficult because wheat is involved in many, many foods and may also be found in foods in which it is not expected to be found, such as sausages and soy sauce, but they remain the best methods of prevention.
- In addition to taking medications for this allergy, it is important to mention that this allergy may lead to complications of intestinal ulcers or malnutrition, and makes there a possibility of cancer in the digestive system.
Symptoms of gluten sensitivity
There are main symptoms in people with gluten allergy, and these are some of them:
إقرأ أيضا:أعشاب لطرد البلغم من الرئتين – انظر حولك- Constipation or diarrhea and foul-smelling stool. When eating gluten protein, damage occurs to the lining of the digestive tract, leading to discomfort in the digestive system and poor absorption of nutrients, resulting in constipation or frequent diarrhea.
- Diarrhea or constipation may be normal, but the problem lies in its recurrence. If it recurs, it may indicate a gluten allergy. The color of the stool is an indication of this allergy, as its color appears dull and pale as a result of poor absorption of nutrients.
- Feeling bloated: Bloating and gases accumulate in the intestines and abdomen, followed by a feeling of discomfort, and bloating is one of the most common symptoms of the disease.
Skin symptoms
- People with gluten allergy are the most vulnerable to developing skin rashes of all kinds. Skin rash syndromes associated with gluten sensitivity include psoriasis syndrome, atopic dermatitis, known as eczema, and severe itching.
- It also includes annular dermatitis, which is a red skin rash filled with water, in addition to a burning sensation and severe itching.
- The presence of dry skin. Although scientific studies have not proven a relationship between dry skin and gluten sensitivity, through the personal experiences of people who suffer from gluten sensitivity, it is clear that the symptoms of allergy are accompanied by dry skin, eczema, and acne.
- These could be other symptoms as well, so you should consult a doctor if you feel any of these symptoms.
- Studies say that 87% of those suffering from gluten allergy suffer from bloating, and sometimes bloating may be evidence of other health problems, as well as the presence of abdominal pain, and these pains are the most common symptom of gluten allergy.
- Involuntary weight loss is one of the main symptoms, as the intestine does not absorb food well when it is damaged, and this causes a small amount of nutrients to be used, resulting in weight loss.
- Suffering from anxiety and depression. Some studies prove that there is a relationship between psychological problems, such as anxiety and depression, and gluten sensitivity. Suffering from gluten sensitivity leads to damage to the movement skills of those affected, so it is advisable to go to the doctor immediately after suffering from anxiety or depression.
Diagnosis of gluten sensitivity
- Gluten allergy may affect children and ends when they reach the age of twelve, but it also affects adults, and there are a set of different strategies and methods for diagnosing gluten allergy to enable the doctor to know whether it is gluten allergy or another disorder.
- We find the doctor or health professional requesting a food note for the affected person, which includes the types of food he eats in his diet, the time he eats his food, and information about the symptoms that the patient feels and the time they occur.
- The doctor determines the source of the food and prevents the affected person from eating any type of food that may contain any wheat or barley. Then he begins to include wheat in his diet to find out if the problem is due to wheat and whether these are symptoms of gluten sensitivity.
- A doctor or health care professional at a clinic or hospital performs a test called a food challenge in which the patient gives the allergen in capsule form.
- The dose is gradually increased over varying periods, which may be hours or days, and the medical team monitors and records the symptoms that appear on the patient during this period.
- The medical team performs what is known as a skin prick test, where the doctor or health professional places drops of diluted food on one of the affected person’s limbs, arm or back.
- This is how the food substance enters the body through the skin, and if any itching, swelling, or redness occurs, this indicates the presence of a gluten allergy.
- One of the most important tests is a blood test, as this test detects antibodies to specific foods. If these antibodies are present, they indicate an allergy to that type of food.
Complications of gluten allergy
- There are serious complications that may occur if treatment for gluten sensitivity is neglected, resulting from damage to the intestinal villi and a lack of important nutrients and compounds that are primarily responsible for the functioning of several functions in the body.
- Among them is lactose intolerance. In this case, intestinal disorders occur, causing the body to lose its ability to digest and break down lactose sugar, leading to diarrhea, stomach bloating, and colic.
- Osteoporosis and fragility: Due to the inability of the intestine to absorb calcium, a state of thinning and brittleness occurs in the bones. The bone mass decreases as a result, as it is composed of calcium salts. It begins with osteoporosis, and if the condition deteriorates further, it becomes brittle.
- Anemia is due to iron deficiency, the absorption of which depends entirely on the intestine, and there is no other way to deliver it to the cells. This leads to iron deficiency and a defect in red blood cells, which leads to the occurrence of anemia, shortness of breath, and rapid fatigue.
- Fertility problems: A woman may experience delayed pregnancy or miscarriage as a result of intestinal disorders, which are common complications of celiac disease if it is accompanied by gluten sensitivity.
- However, upon recovery from the symptoms of gluten sensitivity, there is a significant improvement in fertility, and this applies to complications of gluten sensitivity that are not related to celiac disease.
- Problems in the nervous system due to a deficiency of vitamins B12 and some minerals and nutrients. Some cases of celiac disease cause neuropathy, and problems with moving and controlling the limbs appear, and this condition is called ataxia.
- Cases with celiac disease may suffer from diseases of the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder because the small intestine is always connected to other parts of the body.
- However, patients with intestinal disorders suffer from these complications. It has not been proven that serious complications occur when suffering from gluten allergy alone. Rather, all serious symptoms have been recorded in the case of gluten sensitivity in addition to intestinal disorders.
Gluten sensitivity and psychiatric disorders
- Due to gluten sensitivity, the nervous system may suffer from some symptoms, such as headache, confusion, and lack of concentration. Although these symptoms are not related to the psychological nature of the person, this does not mean that gluten sensitivity does not have a psychological effect.
- Cases suffering from psychological disorders that are associated with gluten sensitivity have been studied, such as anxiety and depression, and some studies show that people with intestinal disorders are more susceptible to anxiety and depression than normal people.
- One of these studies showed that out of every 100 patients with intestinal disorder, thirty-three suffer from depression, and 17% are likely to suffer from anxiety.
- Researchers believe that the lack of substances and nutrients due to intestinal disorder may be related to depression and anxiety, and this also applies to the disease of different types of gluten sensitivity.
- One expert has hypothesized that there may be a direct relationship between brain condition and gluten, but it is just a hypothesis for which there is no proof.
- Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, as some studies show that there is a high percentage of gluten-sensitive patients in general with bipolar disorder.
Ways to prevent gluten allergy
- Although there is no definitive treatment for gluten allergy, preventive methods can be used to protect against its infection or symptoms, which is done by avoiding all types of foods that contain gluten.
- It includes several foods, such as wheat, bulgur, flour, and all foods made from wheat or barley, such as bread, pasta, pastries, baked goods, and biscuits, and nutrients containing barley or wheat flour. It is recommended to eat oats and dried and roasted nuts.
Gluten-free foods
- This is the first effective method in treating gluten allergy and preventing the appearance of its symptoms, which is for the patient to eat gluten-free foods, and there are many common and familiar ones, and it is considered one of the best treatment methods as it does not force the patient to follow a specific and special diet.
- These materials include corn, oats, fruits such as apples, bananas, peaches, citrus fruits, peaches, seafood, red meat, cheese, milk, yogurt, ghee, oils such as olive oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, coffee, tea, and other foods.
- As these foods are familiar to the patient, he does not show any symptoms of gluten sensitivity and does not cause discomfort to the patient.
Methods of treating gluten allergy
- The cause of gluten allergy or wheat allergy is due to family history, as most people with this allergy have someone in their families who suffers from it or one of the types of food allergies, or one of the other types of allergies, eczema and asthma.
- There are people who do not develop gluten allergy or suffer from its symptoms unless they exercise after eating foods containing wheat, but their symptoms are more severe, reaching the point of severe symptoms.
- There are several pharmaceutical treatments as well as home remedies to treat gluten allergy as well as control its symptoms.
Pharmacological treatment of gluten sensitivity
- You can quickly get used to following a diet away from wheat to avoid allergy symptoms, despite the fact that allergy symptoms have a significant and annoying impact on people of all ages.
- It is very important to learn how to treat acute allergies, so that people can enjoy a good, normal life in a more comfortable way until the allergy disappears.
Medications prescribed by a doctor to treat gluten allergy
- Adrenaline self-injections: Adrenaline injections are prescribed for those suffering from gluten allergy, so that he is given a prescription that enables him to inject adrenaline for himself or with the help of someone, and it is temporary until he reaches the hospital or the ambulance arrives for him.
- Epinephrine injection is only taken in emergency cases when the patient suffers a severe allergic attack.
- Allergy medications, such as corticosteroids and antihistamines, provide the ability to control allergy symptoms in the body, making them effective medications that are suitable for many cases of this disease.
Home treatment for gluten allergy
- Behavioral change and a diet that avoids wheat and its derivatives is a very important factor in controlling the symptoms and severity of the disease, and various digestive system allergies are a widespread allergy among people.
- Although drug treatment helps in improving and treating the patient, it has side effects, so many people agree to follow a safe natural treatment regimen without side effects at home. Symptoms are not only treated through these home treatments, but their occurrence is limited.
- Increased stomach acidity. The lack of a sufficient amount of acid in the stomach, which is responsible for breaking down proteins, causes an immune response against proteins. Betaine hydrochloric can be taken before and after food to maintain the balance of the acidity level.
- Vitamin C and bananas: Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system, and bananas relieve some allergy symptoms such as stomach pain and skin rashes.
- Castor oil, by placing five drops in a cup of water and drinking it on an empty stomach in the morning, protects the stomach and reduces the symptoms of gluten sensitivity.
- Activated charcoal: Activated charcoal works to break down proteins and accelerate their movement in the digestive system, counteracting the effects and symptoms of gluten sensitivity. It can be benefited from by mixing it with water and taking sixty grams of it.
At the end of our journey with treating gluten allergy in adults, gluten allergy, or as it is called wheat allergy, is widespread among many people, and causes annoying symptoms and physical and psychological fatigue as it destroys intestinal flora. In this article, we have shed light on the symptoms of this allergy and methods of treating it.
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