What are the causes of lower abdominal and back pain in men and their treatment with herbs? Both men and women suffer from abdominal and back pain, and many of the causes that lead to the occurrence of these pains are similar in each of them, but despite this, there are cases that are more common in men, and they are those that affect only men.
Lower abdominal and back pain in men can indicate a series of problems, so you can read this article to learn about the cause of these pains and how to treat them. Follow the website article.
What is lower abdominal pain?
- Lower abdominal pain generally means pain that you feel below the level of your belly button, which can come from any of the tissues and organ systems in that area and there are many.
- For this reason, it can be difficult to determine the exact cause of these pains.
- Pain that is too low is called pelvic pain, but we’ll include it as lower abdominal pain in this guide.
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إقرأ أيضا:اسباب ظهور ورم في الرقبة من الجنب انظر حولكWhat is lower back pain?
- Pain in the lower back or lower back pain is a common concern, affecting many men at some point in their lives; Many of them will have more than one episode.
- Low back pain is not a specific disease, but rather a symptom that may occur within a group of different processes.
- Despite comprehensive medical examination of up to eighty-five percent of individuals suffering from low back pain, a specific cause of the pain cannot be identified.
Symptoms of lower abdominal pain in men?
Instead of trying to diagnose your pain, if you have any of the following symptoms, see your doctor as soon as possible:
- Sharp pain.
- Pain getting worse.
- High temperature.
- Blood in your stool – whether fresh or black and foul-smelling.
- Inability to walk due to pain.
- Repeated vomiting – especially if there is blood in the vomit.
- Persistent change in bowel habit.
Causes of lower abdominal pain in men?
We will explore the causes of lower abdominal pain in men through their website to make it easier to know the cause of the pain, which are as follows:
إقرأ أيضا:معلومات طبيه عن علاج الغضروف انظر حولكPain around the navel
If you’re experiencing pain around your navel, it may be due to:
Early inflammation of the appendix
Appendicitis is often initially felt around the navel; It may come and go and gradually move to the right side.
It also becomes more severe within 24 hours, and is worse with movement.
You may feel nausea, slight loose stools and a temperature; Surgery is often required to remove the inflamed appendix, so don’t wait at home if you think this is the diagnosis.
Stomach lining diseases such as inflammation (gastritis) or ulcers may be felt in the center of your abdomen, and the pain is often burning in nature; Nausea, indigestion, and belching.
Even vomiting is common; Blood in vomit or black, tar-like stools are worrying signs and need urgent evaluation.
Pain above the pubic bone
If you’re experiencing pain above the pubic bone, it may be one of the following symptoms:
Bladder pain
Bladder pain is generally low central pain; Cramping and burning during or after urination may indicate the presence of an infection.
إقرأ أيضا:أسباب انتفاخ بين الرقبة والكتف الأيمن انظر حولكIf you have a urine infection, you may need to urinate more often, notice blood in your urine or feel tired and sick.
If symptoms do not settle with plenty of fluids, you need to see your doctor.
Testicle pain
It is common to feel the testicles low in the abdomen, either in the middle or on one side. This includes inflammation or infections such as sexually transmitted diseases. Trauma to the testicles may also be felt in the abdomen as well.
If you have abdominal pain and notice any lumps or bumps in the testicles, skin changes, or any discharge from the penis, see your doctor.
The prostate is a small gland located between the bladder and the penis, and makes the fluid part of semen.
If the prostate becomes inflamed or infected, it can cause pain felt in the genitals, but also in the lower abdomen and can make it difficult or painful to urinate or ejaculate.
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Pain on one side
Sometimes the patient feels low abdominal pain on one side, and it can be anywhere from next to the belly button, all the way to the groin:
As mentioned earlier, pain from appendicitis can start centrally but localize to the right side of your abdomen where it is located.
A kidney infection causes pain on one side that may originate from or radiate to your back; You may have urinary symptoms such as pain when urinating, blood in your urine and feel generally unwell.
kidney stones
Sudden and severe pain in the back, abdomen, and groin may be due to kidney stones; Pain tends to appear in waves.
As the body tries to push the stone out of the kidney and along the ureters; Pain from stones is often associated with nausea or vomiting.
It’s easy to forget that a simple muscle strain can cause abdominal pain; The pain can be very severe when moving the muscles.
So consider whether you exercise or the pain has a muscular sensation; Warm baths and pain relievers usually relieve muscle pain.
Inguinal hernia
As it may cause abdominal pain; A hernia forms when there is a weakness in the wall of your abdominal muscles and fatty tissue or part of your intestine breaks through.
You may feel aching pain and notice a soft lump or swelling in your groin. Lumps tend to appear when you strain, cough, or lift something heavy.
Generalized abdominal pain
Many cases result in generalized pain that does not seem to be focused in one place:
- holding – A common cause of abdominal pain and often associated with nausea, loss of appetite, and bloating; The pain often goes away but can be felt on the left side where the large intestine descends into the rectum.
- Irritable bowel syndrome – Pain from IBS can be anywhere in your abdomen, and is often associated with constipation, diarrhea, or bloating.
- Inflammation of the stomach and intestines – Which may cause general pain in your abdomen.
Symptoms of lower back pain in men
Instead of trying to diagnose your pain, if you have any of the following symptoms, see your doctor:
- Pain in the lumbosacral region (lower back area), as this pain is one of the primary symptoms of low back pain.
- The pain spreads down the front, side, or back of your leg, or it may be limited to your lower back.
- The pain gets worse with activity.
Pain worsens at night or with prolonged sitting such as on a long car trip. - Numbness or weakness in the part of the leg that receives its nerve supply from a compressed nerve.
- Pain that causes an inability to plantar flex, meaning you won’t be able to stand on your toes or move your foot down.
- This occurs when the first sacral nerve is compressed or injured.
- Inability to lift your big toe upward, which results when the fifth lumbar nerve is compromised.
Causes of lower back pain in men
We will now explore the causes of lower back pain in men by dividing it into two types, non-chronic and chronic, which are as follows:
Non-chronic pain
It occurs as a result of muscle strain and ligament sprain:
- A lower back sprain or strain can happen suddenly, or it can develop slowly over time from repetitive movements.
- A strain occurs when a muscle is overstretched and tears, damaging the muscle itself.
- Sprains occur when excessive stretching and tearing affects the ligaments that hold bones together.
- For practical purposes, it does not matter whether a muscle or ligament is damaged, because the symptoms and treatment are the same.
Common causes of sprains and strains include:
- Lifting heavy objects or twisting the spine during lifting.
- Sudden movements that cause more pressure in the lower back area, such as falling.
- Poor body position over time.
- Sports injuries, especially in exercises that involve twisting or high impact forces.
While sprains and strains don’t seem serious and don’t usually cause long-term pain, acute pain can be very severe.
Chronic pain
Pain is considered chronic once it lasts longer than three months and exceeds the body’s normal healing process.
These lower back pains often involve a disc problem, a joint problem, and/or an irritated nerve root; Common causes include:
Lumbar herniated disc
The gel-like center of a lumbar disc can penetrate the tough outer layer and irritate a nearby nerve root.
The herniated portion of the disc is full of proteins that cause inflammation when they reach the nerve root, inflammation.
As well as nervous pressure, they cause pain in the nerve root. The disc wall is also richly supplied with nerve fibers, and a tear in the wall can cause severe pain.
Facial joint weakness
There are two facet joints behind each disc at each motion segment in the lumbar spine; These joints contain cartilage between the bones.
It is surrounded by a capsular ligament rich in nerves; These joints can be painful on their own or accompanied by disc pain.
Sacroiliac joint weakness
The sacroiliac joint serves as a connection between the sacrum at the bottom of the spine and each side of the pelvis.
It is a strong, low-motion joint that absorbs shock and tension between the upper body and lower body.
The sacroiliac joint can become painful if it becomes inflamed or if there is too much or too little movement of the joint.
Spinal stenosis
Which results in pain, and this is the result of narrowing of the spinal canal where the nerve roots are located. The narrowing can be central, formal, or both.
This narrowing may be at one or several levels in the lower back.
This condition occurs when one vertebra slips above the adjacent vertebra; There are 5 types of spondylolisthesis.
But most commonly it is secondary to a defect or fracture of the hip (between the facet joints) or mechanical instability of the facet joints (degenerative).
The pain can be caused by instability (back) or nerve compression (leg).
This condition results from wear and tear of the disc and facet joints. It causes pain, inflammation, instability, and stenosis of varying degrees, and can occur at one or multiple levels of the lower spine.
Osteoarthritis of the spine is associated with aging and slowly worsens, and is also referred to as spondylosis or degenerative joint disease.
Spinal curvature can include scoliosis or kyphosis; Deformity may come along with lower back pain if one of the following collapses:
discs, facet joints, or sacroiliac joints; Or if stenosis occurs.
Severe fractures or dislocations of the spine can cause pain.
Compression fracture
A fracture that occurs in a cylindrical vertebra, where the bone essentially folds in on itself, can cause sudden pain.
It is important to note that the presence of one or more of these conditions does not necessarily mean that this is the cause of the pain, for example.
Osteoarthritis or degenerative disc disease may show up on an imaging study, but the person may not report pain.
How to treat lower abdominal and back pain with herbs
There are many natural herbs that are used to treat abdominal and back pain, including the following:
Herbs used to treat abdominal pain
Natural herbs that reduce abdominal pain include:
- White honey – Since white honey is a cure for people, as the Lord Almighty told us, and our Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, advised us of it.
- Cumin – It is considered the best herb that reduces abdominal pain. Boil a spoonful of it in water, then eat it warm. You can also eat a small amount of it directly, and swallow it with a glass of water.
- Chamomile – Its flowers are used to reduce abdominal pain by boiling them.
- Ginger – It can be used to treat and reduce abdominal pain and chronic colic conditions.
- Anise – Which is boiled in water and drunk warm.
- The ring – As it helps reduce abdominal pain, it can be benefited by boiling it in water and drinking a cup of it after eating and before eating dinner.
Herbs used to treat lower back pain
Natural herbs that reduce back pain include:
- Basil – that it The best herbs used to relieve lower back pain: It can be benefited from by eating it warm after boiling it and sweetening it with white honey.
- Turmeric – It is characterized by its anti-inflammatory properties, which contribute to reducing the feeling of back and muscle pain. It can be benefited from by eating it melted and warm. You can also mix a tablespoon of it with white honey, mix well, then apply the mixture to the site of pain and massage for 10 minutes.
- Ground ring – Which is mixed with a small amount of milk until you get a paste, then put it inside a piece of gauze, and then apply it to the place of pain for about 30 minutes.
- Ground ginger – It is mixed with a small amount of water to obtain a cohesive paste, and then applied to the site of pain.
- ivy leaves – You can benefit from it by grinding it and mixing it with a similar amount of bran, then mixing it with a little water until you get a paste, and then applying it to the site of pain.
At the end of an article What are the causes of lower abdominal and back pain in men and their treatment with herbs? It is worth knowing that pain originating from the back can be felt in the abdomen, and this is called “referred pain.”
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