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امراض القلب

Does open heart surgery cause death? In this article, we try to answer the following questions: Does open-heart surgery cause death? What is the success rate of open heart surgery? Does age affect open heart surgery? Is there an alternative to heart surgery?

What is open heart surgery?

  • Open-heart surgery is called any type of surgery. In this type of surgery, the surgeon makes a large incision in the chest to open the ribs and makes an opening that points to the chest, not the heart.
  • Depending on the type of surgery, the surgeon may best perform procedures that involve opening the patient’s heart in a blood-free environment.
  • So, during this process, the heart temporarily stops working and the patient is connected to a heart-lung machine, which means the machine pumps blood and oxygen.
  • Because the device does not function like a heart, surgeons try to reduce the time patients spend in the heart.

Why is open heart surgery performed?

Open-heart surgery can be used to treat various heart diseases and problems. Heart diseases that can be treated with open-heart surgery include:.

إقرأ أيضا:علاج ضمور المخ بالقران – مقال انظر حولك
  • Valvular heart disease.
  • Aortic diseases related to the heart, such as aorta.
  • Congenital heart defect.
  • Coronary heart disease.
  • Heart transplant.

Types of heart surgeries

  • Open-heart surgery (surgery using a heart-lung machine) During this procedure, the machine temporarily takes over the task of supplying and pumping blood.
  • Beating heart surgery: This method does not use a heart-lung machine, and the surgeon performs beating heart surgery.
  • However, surgeons control the heart’s rhythm with equipment or medications. Because it is difficult to operate on a beating heart, this type of surgery is limited to certain situations.
  • Closed heart surgery: In this method, surgery is performed on the arteries surrounding the heart without bypassing the patient, such as opening an arterial catheter.

Does open heart surgery cause death?

  • Open-heart surgery is a successful procedure. Patients who undergo open-heart surgery are healthy for up to 10 years, but the risk of sudden death increases by 80% afterward.
  • People who survive the first month after surgery can return to their normal lives and enjoy the same quality of life as others.
  • In the entire spectrum the survival rate is equal, but after ten years, this number changes.
  • Researchers believe that progressive disease may lead to recurrence of the disease. On the other hand, healthy blood vessels may lose their function over time.

Open heart surgery success rate

  • The success of open-heart surgery depends on several factors, including: the surgeon, the patient’s age and general health, and the time the patient is connected to the heart-lung machine.
  • A study was conducted in Iran to study the mortality rate after open-heart surgery. Researchers selected 750 patients who used heart-lung machines for heart surgery. Among them, 39 people (5.2%) died.
  • 107 people (14.3%) experienced complications, including arrhythmia, bleeding, infection, stroke, pancreatitis, etc.
  • Patients are divided into three groups according to age: under 51, between 51-60 and over 60. In this way, the mortality rate for each group was 2.9%, 5.7% and 8.2%.
  • The global mortality rate for open heart surgery was 10%, open heart valve surgery accounted for 6% and coronary artery bypass surgery 4%.

Is there an alternative to open heart surgery?

  • In most cases no Since open heart surgery is the best way to fight heart disease, there is usually no other way.
  • If you are undergoing open heart surgery and the doctor cannot see other methods, please do not doubt and accept the surgery.
  • Heart diseases that require surgery, if not treated in time, may lead to death within two to three years, in which case surgery is the best treatment option.
  • For seniors who are concerned about the risks of open-heart surgery in old age, the good news is that scientific advances have greatly reduced the risks.
  • If you are going to undergo direct heart surgery and the doctor has no other choice, accept surgery.

Open heart surgery between the past and the present

  • In the past, because elderly patients were undergoing open heart surgery, doctors did not accept elderly people but now, with the development of surgical instruments and equipment, the risk of surgery has greatly reduced.
  • In some cases, even people under the age of 90 can tolerate a thoracotomy.
  • Not all older people can withstand the challenges of this type of surgery, but not accepting this type of surgery may shorten your life expectancy. If your doctor recommends open-heart surgery, he or she will investigate your condition.
  • What doctors are really interested in is the actual age, because not all older people can be included, we often see that a 70-year-old person is much better off than another 50-year-old person.
  • Heart diseases that require surgery, if not treated in time, may lead to death within two to three years, in which case surgery is the best treatment option.
  • Studies have shown that the healing process for patients over 75 years of age is slower than for younger patients, but after a year, most of these patients improve as well as everyone else.

How can heart patients increase their life expectancy?

  • Studies have shown that long-term stability and stability will reduce the life expectancy of heart patients. It is recommended to sit for 20 minutes before physical exercise.
  • After sitting for 20 minutes, short-term daily physical activity (such as walking or light exercise) burns 770 calories per day.
  • Reducing calories will lead to weight loss and increase insulin sensitivity. Avoid walking in polluted weather.
  • High blood pressure, high blood sugar and cholesterol, smoking, obesity, and not eating fruits and vegetables are the most important factors that cause heart disease.

Open heart surgery for the elderly

  • Open-heart surgery is the most invasive method of heart surgery. During the operation, an incision is made in the chest, and then surgery is performed on the heart muscle, valve or artery. The risk of open-heart surgery for the elderly will certainly increase.
  • According to research by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), coronary artery bypass grafting is the most common type of heart surgery in older adults.
  • Coronary artery bypass grafting improves blood flow to the heart muscle by creating a new pathway for the heart.

The dangers of open heart surgery for the elderly

  • Rib wound infection (more common in patients who are obese, diabetic, or who have previously had coronary artery bypass surgery).
  • Heart attack or stroke.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Lung disease or kidney failure.
  • Chest pain, low-grade fever, memory loss.
  • Coagulation.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Cardiopulmonary bypass increases risks. These risks include stroke and neurological problems. The severity of this risk depends on the person. People with advanced heart disease are more likely to have complications during and after surgery.

What are the common problems in aging?

Maybe the question you’re thinking about is what is aging? Who is the real old man? The exact definition of the elderly is a person over the age of 65. The most common problems among the elderly are:.

إقرأ أيضا:أسباب رفة العين اليمنى واليسرى انظر حولك
  • arthritis.
  • My heart disease.
  • cancer.
  • respiratory system diseases.
  • Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • diabetic.

The success rate of open heart surgery for the elderly

  • The idea of ​​having surgery on the elderly can be frightening. This is both open heart surgery and an operation. The question is, can alternative treatments be used? Most often the answer is no.
  • Because open heart surgery is the best way to fight heart disease, there is usually no other way.
  • It is true that elderly patients are more at risk for open-heart surgery, and complications after surgery are much higher than those that occur in young people.
  • But this does not mean that older people should think about the worst case scenario, because they are not young.
  • But for seniors concerned about the risks of geriatric open-heart surgery, the good news is that as science improves, the risk of waiting is very low.
  • So do not despair, if you are going to undergo surgery and your doctor does not see other methods that are beneficial for you, please be kind and accept the operation.

Advantages of modern heart surgery

  • In the past, elderly people with clogged arteries or holes in heart valves were sent home with stickers and some medicine on their hands to relieve symptoms.
  • But now, thank God, open heart surgery is being performed on elderly people who have high survival rates.
  • In the past, because elderly patients had to undergo a laparotomy, doctors did not accept surgery for the elderly but today, with the passage of time, advanced surgical equipment and possible post-operative care the risks are significantly reduced than in the past.
  • In some cases, even people over 90 years of age can tolerate a thoracotomy.
  • Age alone should not be a reason to delay or cancel open heart surgery. It is true that not all elderly people can withstand the challenges of this type of surgery, but if you do not undergo this type of surgery.
  • Your life expectancy is shortened, because if the doctor recommends surgery, he must have thought about your condition.
  • There is no age limit for this operation. In recent years, anesthesia surgery techniques and medical treatment have been developed and the mortality rate has decreased.
  • These developments have prompted doctors to perform surgeries on elderly patients to give them peace of mind.
  • However, performing a thoracotomy (including opening an elderly person’s chest, inserting equipment into the heart and lungs, and repairing a patient’s fragile blood vessels) is certainly more delicate and risky than back and knee discs.
  • Therefore, the risks of open heart surgery for elderly patients are definitely higher than other surgeries.

Does the patient survive after surgery or not?

  • Worldwide, the number of patients undergoing open-heart surgery is decreasing, but compared to the past, patients undergoing open-heart surgery suffer from more complications.
  • Despite the introduction of advanced methods of opening coronary arteries such as angioplasty, diabetes and poor kidney function are more common than ever among patients with advanced vascular disease.
  • Therefore, the possibility of complications during and after surgery increases. In general, people who undergo heart surgery are those who did not receive catheterization treatment.
  • The more severe the heart disease, the greater the risk of complications from open-heart surgery.
  • Heart surgery has many complications, some of which occur during the operation, and some of which occur after the operation.
  • Of course, there may be late complications, that is, when the patient is recovering at home, but the farther away from the day of the operation, the less health risk there is to the patient undergoing the operation.

Myocardial infarction during surgery

  • 3% of patients developed heart disease during the operation. An increase in some enzymes indicates that the patient’s heart was narrowed during the operation.
  • In people who have severe chest pain before surgery, one to three blood vessels are affected, and women are more likely to have heart attacks during surgery.

Stroke during surgery

  • During the procedure, the aortic artery or vein is inflamed. As a result, atherosclerotic particles may enter the brain. The movement of these particles in the brain can cause blockages, which can lead to clots.
  • Sometimes, these complications are caused by low blood pressure during surgery, especially for those who had high blood pressure before surgery.
  • These patients may fall into a coma and never go away. Sometimes, the attention and memory disturbances reverse over time. Approximately 2% of these patients experience severe complications and dysfunction after surgery.

Atrial fibrillation

  • Approximately 40% of patients who develop atrial fibrillation on the second to third day after open-heart surgery develop an arrhythmia.
  • The atria must contract to generate a heartbeat and move blood from the cavity into the ventricular space. Sometimes due to dysfunction and conduction disturbances, symptoms such as emphysema called fibrillation occur.
  • Not all parts of the atrium contract together, which prevents enough blood from entering the ventricle and causes fibrillation, making it easier for a person to get a blood clot in the atrium.
  • If the blood clot ruptures, it may spread to the brain and other organs and appear in the kidneys and other organs in the form of a stroke or ischemia (lack of blood supply).
  • Risk factors for atrial fibrillation include high blood pressure and heart failure before open-heart surgery. However, the surgeon uses medication to reduce the chance of developing atrial fibrillation.
  • 80% of atrial fibrillation patients after undergoing open heart surgery will return to normal on their own within 24 hours.

Kidney failure

  • The next complication for patients undergoing open-heart surgery is kidney failure. Sometimes kidney failure is so severe that the patient needs dialysis.
  • The risk of death in this population is high, and risk factors for these elderly patients are diabetes, low preoperative creatinine levels and heart failure.

Bleeding after surgery

  • During surgery, a drainage tube is placed at the surgical site to remove secretions. If the output exceeds a certain amount, this indicates that blood is leaking through the graft and this means that the transplant cannot go smoothly.
  • Patients require reoperation, which increases the risk of death and osteoarthritis, and the intubation time is also longer.

In today’s article, we discussed whether open-heart surgery causes death, the location of open-heart surgery, whether it causes death or not, its danger to the elderly, and the side effects that this operation may have.

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