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Antibiotic to treat colitisThe article website mqall.org presents this topic to you.
where Several types of antibiotics for treating colitis have proven effective in this matter, although they are not without some harmful side effects.
Especially the absorbable types, and we will review the most important of these types in this article.
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Antibiotic to treat colitis
Antibiotics have long been used to treat colitis; where:
إقرأ أيضا:هل تحليل cbc يكشف سرطان الغدد اللمفاوية انظر حولك- Among the antibiotics that have proven effective in treating colitis are:
- Tetracycline.
- Amoxicillin clavulanate (Augmentin).
- Metronidazole (Flagyl).
- Fluoroquinolones (norfloxacin).
- Metronidazole and ciprofloxacin are the most commonly used types of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
- According to the latest research, treatment with the following antibiotics is not always successful in treating ulcerative colitis:
- Antituberculosis.
- Macrolides.
- Fluoroquinolones.
- Nitroimidazole.
- Rifaximin.
- Antibiotics are used sparingly in patients with ulcerative colitis, due to:
- Its limited effectiveness in treatment.
- Antibiotics may increase the chances of developing pseudomembranous colitis.
- Antibiotics are used to treat Crohn’s disease.
- It is also commonly used to treat diseases of the perianal area, fistulas, and intra-abdominal infections.
- It is worth noting that antibiotics have potential harms, including:
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Anorexia.
- Having diarrhea.
- Peripheral neuropathy when treated with metronidazole, requiring immediate discontinuation of treatment.
- Antibiotics may increase your risk of developing Clostridium difficile colitis.
From here you can learn about: antibiotic for cholecystitis
إقرأ أيضا:أسباب كثرة الغازات في القولون انظر حولكThe role of antibiotics in treating colitis
Regarding the role of antibiotics in treating colitis, there are several facts:
- Colitis is thought to be caused by an abnormal immune response to gut bacteria.
- Gut bacteria play an important role in inflammatory bowel diseases, especially:
- Crohn’s disease (CD).
- Ulcerative colitis.
- And the complications related to each.
- The antibiotic affects the course of these diseases by reducing the concentrations of bacteria in the intestinal lumen.
- As well as changing the composition of intestinal microflora.
- Antibiotics have been evaluated in clinical trials for the treatment of enteritis, including:
- Ciprofloxacin.
- Metronidazole.
- In addition to a combination of rifaximin and anti-tuberculosis agents.
- The results of these experiments showed the modest effect of antibiotics in reducing disease activity.
- But it becomes more effective and is more effective in treating colon patients.
- Rifamyxin, a non-absorbable rifamycin, has shown promising results in the treatment of colon.
- Most trials have not shown a benefit in treating active ulcerative colitis with antibiotics.
What is ulcerative colitis?
Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD); where:
إقرأ أيضا:أعراض التهاب المرارة الحصوي – مقال انظر حولك- Colitis affects the lining of the inner large intestine and rectum.
- Symptoms usually develop over time, not suddenly.
- Colitis can be stressful and may lead to life-threatening complications.
- Although there is no known cure, treatment can significantly reduce its symptoms.
Symptoms of colitis
Symptoms of colitis may vary depending on the severity of the inflammation and where it occurs, and may include the following:
- Diarrhea that is bloody or accompanied by pus.
- Abdominal cramps and pain.
- Pain, rectal bleeding.
- Defecation incontinence.
- Constipation.
- Weight loss.
- Weakness and fatigue.
- Fever.
- Growth failure in children.
- Most people with colitis suffer from mild to moderate symptoms.
- The course of ulcerative colitis may vary; Some people go through long periods of calm.
Types of colitis
Doctors often classify ulcerative colitis according to its location. Types of colitis include:
1- Ulcerative proctitis
Inflammation is limited to the area near the anus, and rectal bleeding may be the only symptom.
2- Proctosigmoiditis
Proctosigmoiditis affects the lower end of the colon, and its symptoms include the following:
- Bloody diarrhea.
- Abdominal cramps and pain.
- Bowel movement disorder.
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3- Colitis on the left side
This inflammation extends from the rectum upward through the transverse colon and descending colon, and its symptoms are:
- Diarrhea accompanied by blood (diarrhea).
- Cramping and pain in the left side of the abdomen.
4- Pancolitis
This type affects the entire colon, causing bouts of bloody diarrhea with cramps, weakness, and weight loss.
Causes of colitis
The exact cause of colitis is still unknown; where:
- Diet and stress were previously suspected as triggers for colitis.
- But science has proven that these factors may increase colitis, but they are not the direct cause of it.
- One possible cause of colitis is a defect in the immune system.
- When the immune system tries to fight off an invading virus or bacteria; Then:
- A disturbed immune response causes the immune system to attack cells in the digestive system as well.
- Genetics also appears to play a role in colitis.
- However; Most people with colitis do not have this family history.
Colitis risk factors
Colitis affects women and men at approximately the same rate, and its risk factors may include:
- Colitis usually begins before age 30, but it can occur at any age.
- Some people may not develop it until they are sixty years old.
- Family history; An individual is considered to be at greater risk of infection if one of his or her parents is infected with it.
Complications of colitis
Possible complications of colitis include:
- Severe bleeding.
- Perforation of the colon.
- Severe dehydration.
- Osteoporosis.
- Inflammation of the skin, eyes, and joints.
- Increased risk of colon cancer.
- Colon distension.
- Increased risk of venous blood clots or arterial clots.
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When should you see a doctor for colitis?
Many colon problems are not dangerous, but you should see a specialist doctor if these symptoms appear:
- Abdominal pain.
- Blood in stool.
- Persistent diarrhea that is not stopped by regular diarrhea medications.
- Fever for no reason that lasts for a day or more.
- Colitis is usually not fatal, but it is a serious disease.
- Colitis can sometimes cause life-threatening complications.
Types of antibiotics to treat colon
The involvement of bacteria in colitis is a logical reason for the use of antibiotics in treatment; where:
- Many studies have shown that antibiotics eliminate bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine.
- This reduces the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
- These results were also the basis for a series of studies that examined the effectiveness of antibiotics in treating colon.
- Many absorbable antibiotics have been successful in reducing bacterial overgrowth.
- These antibiotics include Augmentin, tetracycline, Flagyl, and others.
- Absorbable antibiotics are also not without some nasty side effects.
- This has led to the trend of using non-absorbable (topical) antibiotics.
- These antibiotics act on the intestinal lumen.
- It is considered effective in treating colon infections.
- Does not cause systemic side effects.
- Its mechanism of action is based on selective eradication of intestinal bacteria causing inflammation.
- Rifaximin has proven highly effective with fewer, although serious, side effects.
- Below we review the most important non-absorbable antibiotics used to treat colitis:
1- Neomycin
- Studies have shown that treatment with neomycin causes improvement in colitis patients by 50%.
- However, the use of neomycin to treat colon poses several challenges, including:
- Neomycin may cause breathing problems in them.
- Some patients treated with neomycin subsequently did not respond to treatment.
- Although antibiotics such as neomycin are effective for treating colon, their use for treatment is limited.
- This is due to reasons including clinical resistance.
2- Rifaximin
Rifaximin is a synthetic antibacterial derivative that is not absorbable. where:
- Rifaximin has activity against a variety of intestinal bacteria, including positive and negative bacteria.
- Rifaximin has also shown effectiveness against infections that cause some diseases, such as diarrhea.
- Rifaximin is considered safe in the colon treatment of patients with end-stage liver disease.
- Rifaximin has also shown great benefit in stopping bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine.
- In addition to the many benefits of rifaximin in treating colitis, it has not been proven to have significant negative effects.
- Recently, there has been particular interest in the effect of rifaximin retreatment of the colon, in terms of recurrent response:
- Clinical trials have been conducted in this regard to determine sound results.
- Indeed, it was found that patients whose conditions required retreatment with rifaximin always responded.
- It has been proven that the success of first-time treatment with rifaximin means that repeat treatment with it is 80% successful.
- The average time required for treatment with rifaximin did not change the second time compared to the first.
- Also, rifaximin for colitis patients has not shown any clinical resistance over 6 consecutive treatment cycles.
Warnings for treating colon with antibiotics
It is worth noting that you should avoid taking antibiotics to treat colitis unless necessary. where:
- Some colon problems may result from viral rather than bacterial infections.
- It is known that viruses cannot be treated with antibiotics, but it may even make matters worse.
- Also, excessive treatment with antibiotics without consulting a doctor may cause the body to lose its response to treatment.
- Also, not taking antibiotic appointments regularly, or not adhering to the doses, will lead to adverse results.
- We should also not ignore any side effects that appear when antibiotics are used in treatment.
- In this case, you must stop taking the treatment until you see a doctor.
- The doctor may replace this drug with another that has the same effect.
- It is worth noting that the bodies’ responses to active antibiotic substances are not equal.
- This means that what causes side effects to you does not necessarily cause them to others when you take it.
Tips for treating colon with antibiotics
An important point in dealing with antibiotics is the necessity of adhering to the duration of treatment specified by the doctor:
- A prolonged period of treatment without medical justification may have serious consequences for some body systems.
- Some antibodies are secreted by the liver, and some by the kidneys.
- This means that prolonged use may harm these devices and their functions.
- This is in addition to the bad effect of antibiotics on the stomach with prolonged use.
- Before starting antibiotic treatment, you must also review the internal treatment leaflet. where:
- Drug interactions can be confirmed; where:
- If the patient is taking medications to treat other diseases, their components may interact with the antibiotic.
- Some of these interactions may be harmful to the body, and some may block the effects of others.
- Drug interactions can be confirmed; where:
- Reviewing the leaflet is also useful in identifying possible side effects of treatment to be monitored.
- The leaflet will also indicate the importance of conducting an antibiotic test before taking it or not.
- In addition to the method of taking antibiotics by leaflet, some of them are taken orally, and some by injection.
- There are also types of antibiotics that are dissolved in water before taking them, and some of them are syrups.
- It is worth noting that correct diagnosis of the disease problem is the way to determine the appropriate antibiotic.
- It is also what contributes to accurately determining the appropriate duration of treatment, as well as its doses.
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Thus, we have presented the types of antibiotics to treat colitis, their effects, and harms through the mqall.org website.